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go wall street protest

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Was in Denver last week...lots of zombies out there protesting.



this whole thing has turned into nothing more than a social media event. part of me feels sorry for the naive who are out there thinking that any change will really come from this. but most of me says fuck 'em.

Kind of like the Obama Campaign. It's wanting to sell to the cool kids because you're supposed to. Meanwhile the message has been lost. And like the Obama presidency, little will get done and will stick the taxpayers with a larger bill.
occupy ATL was broken up by police few days ago from what I heard on radio.
police threatened to take everyone to jail and most of the occupiers left.... a few were arrested

1 man interviewed said, " I cant afford to get arrested. I got a good job and a family to support. I have to be at work in the morning." :lol:

Pavy, can you confirm this?

Yeah our mayor Kazaam ordered the SWAT teams to move in and they brought police buses and handcuffed all the hoodlums and send them to jail. Apparently the homeless were putting political pressure on him to clean the parks so they can go sleep there themselves and continue panhandling.
More of my buddies thoughts on Occupy/Capitalism:

I believe the truly appealing part of capitalism is that power can rely in the hands of the people if they choose to wield it (emphasis on IF THEY CHOOSE). We don't need some uncorrupted white knights to be sworn in on Capitol Hill to effect change. We can be the source of the change. If you dislike how a certain company acts, stop buying their stuff, change service providers, etc. The biggest illusion that Corporate America pulled was convincing all of us that we just have to sit back, accept everything they do, and then pay them for the privilege of fucking us. If youre upset that the mega banks took money and screwed the average customer, put your money in a credit union. If enough people do that, they will have to change their practices. Adapt or perish doesn't exclusively apply to workers in failing industries. A company that doesn't listen to its customers is not long for this world in capitalist society.

So I applaud any effort that tries to effectuate change through concrete actions directed at the consumer level. The problem is that most people really value convenience. They like cheap items. They like stores that sell them everything under one roof. They like being able to buy things besides what's essential. If we value those things more than ensuring adequate pay for those workers or the need to have more consumer oriented policies, we really shouldn't point the finger at politicians or corporations. They are just giving us what they think we prioritize. Instead, we should ask ourselves what it says about us that they'd draw that assumption.
on point :greencheck:
I've been banking w/ a credit union since I had enough money to use a bank/credit union
better interest rates, no BS charges, etc...

heard all major banks are going to start charging a monthly fee for using debit cards???

BofA was going to charge $5/month for the use of theirs and now changed their minds. The people spoke - loudly.
Speculators, business pros, capitalist lets call em have no problem in ruining any industry. Herein lies another popular misconception of American bs. They will go to whatever is hot and thriving, suck every dolor they can out of it, kill it and leave those who were dependent on it up shits creek. Meanwhile, they move on to greener pastures. Public reaction is too slow to hurt the savvy capitalist. In the end it only hurts the customers and workers. :up: