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go wall street protest

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FW you and me should occupy 13th and kedvale tomorrow. I know about 4 houses right off that corner that are getting all sorts of checks.... kids getting them "disability" checks because they got BS mental illness diagnosis

Like I had on my FB last week. Guy in front of me has money to buy marlboros and bud ice at 7:10 am, then pays for 2-20 packs of mountain dew with a Bridge Card (electronic food stamps). Yesterday in the same store, a lady buys 3 20 oz Cokes and 4 bags of 99-cent chips on our tax money. All legal but no one has the stones in Michigan to exclude these foods from food stamps.
now that would be excellent. I wanna see the rich fucks from Beverly Hills or whatever occupying the ghetto, demanding welfare cuts. Then, I would take them seriously.

:thankyou: Reno gets it.

Would have loved to see one of you fuks take the foodstamp out my my hand as I approached the ice cream truck.

Sounds like too many people here don't know what it's like to truly struggle.

Being born into a bunch of hopeless bullshit is something most here just can't relate to.
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It's a fucked up system fw. The people you're pissed at are not making policy, they are a delibirate shit byproduct of an evil system. Wall Street DOES make it all happen.

The government allows some of it to happen with political self-interests no doubt. Is that a Wall Street problem or a federal gov problem? I remember specifically Obama stating that will come to an end. Funny how Barney Frank (a Dem) allowed the banking crisis to take place. I said the people should picket in Wash DC instead.
Like I had on my FB last week. Guy in front of me has money to buy marlboros and bud ice at 7:10 am, then pays for 2-20 packs of mountain dew with a Bridge Card (electronic food stamps). Yesterday in the same store, a lady buys 3 20 oz Cokes and 4 bags of 99-cent chips on our tax money. All legal but no one has the stones in Michigan to exclude these foods from food stamps.

Import a bunch of negros and hold them against their will until one day you decide it's time to equalize shit.

Then........ you expect them to seamlessly integrate into a society that secretly despises them. WTF did you think was going happen? You should probably blame your grandfathers for not having the foresight to come up with a proper deportation method.

All the social programs in the world will never makeup for the head start whites were given in this country.

Deal with it, Bitch.
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Like I had on my FB last week. Guy in front of me has money to buy marlboros and bud ice at 7:10 am, then pays for 2-20 packs of mountain dew with a Bridge Card (electronic food stamps). Yesterday in the same store, a lady buys 3 20 oz Cokes and 4 bags of 99-cent chips on our tax money. All legal but no one has the stones in Michigan to exclude these foods from food stamps.

This is insane. They shouldn't give them good stamps. Just ship them each month 3 bags of flour, 6 cans of condensed milk and 1 liter of cooking oil. But you know what. These fukks would sell them on ebay and go to the store and buy mountain dew and twinkies.
Btw, when did FWarning say anything about black people?

I must have missed that post.

illmatick, be honest pal. You kinda wish you were black don't you, pal. Common guey.

Anyway, we grew up dirt poor too. Mom and Dad worked their asses to the bone to put food on the table.

I think I got like 2 toys between the ages of 2 and 7.
he, funny you should say that.

I still have a picture of me holding up an abacus I received for Christmas when I was around 7 or 8. Not even sure if my parents paid for it;might have been from blue santa -- only present I remember getting that year.

Wasn't all bad though, still think that contributed to me passing calculus.

Limitless possibilities.....


Wouldn't wish being black on my worst enemy. Being brown is good enough for me.
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Import a bunch of negros and hold them against their will until one day you decide it's time to equalize shit.

Then........ you expect them to seamlessly integrate into a society that secretly despises them. WTF did you think was going happen? You should probably blame your grandfathers for not having the foresight to come up with a proper deportation method.

All the social programs in the world will never makeup for the head start whites were given in this country.

Deal with it, Bitch.

In both of my examples, both were white people. Thanks for playing. There's a lovely parting gift.