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Gamelive Medical Thread

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Muse I jumped off a waterfall last tuesday and have not been able to effectively walk, sober, since. I was fine that day but the next morning it hurt to even stand on my heels. If i push on my heels it doesnt hurt but the bone on the back of my foot is very sensitive to anything. I drank for the next 10 days straight after it happened so I remained on my feet and didnt notice the pain except for at night. Now im not drinking and I cannot go to sleep for more than 30 minutes. Podiatrist or just stay off em and ride it out?
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Choo, being that it's the holiday season and should be a time of reaching out I am doing that now. I am not a medical professional nor do I really know anything at all about certain types of injuries. However I am aware of things that can prevent certain types of injuries in the future.

In your case it would appear that this current situation was brought on by a condition, that condition is drunkenness.

Choo I can help. I think you need a sponsor. Someone you can call on when that urge to get sloppy-ass shit-faced drunk and leap from things not meant to be leapt from. This time it was a waterfall but what about the next time when that waterfall becomes a bridge?

Choo let's not kid ourselves here, we are not friends and probably never will be but we are part of GameLive. Maybe by extending this offer to help you get off the hooch will make both our lives more rewarding.
lol thanks Wal but I was completely sober when I jumped off it and was with tica who had done it many times. I think the issue is i did not think to point my toes so all of the impact was concentrated on the bottom of my feet.

fwiw I've learned to respect who you guys are and i appreciate you reaching out. doesnt mean I'm not going to comment every time you pull out an hombre de paja, which your post above is.

i honestly dont really like alcohol that much (see earlier in this thread for the probable main reason).
Given that it's been about 10 days and you're still having trouble walking, you'd probably better off getting them x-ray'd. That's one of the more commonly fractured bones in the feet. In the meantime, RICE+Aleve for relief. Do they look swollen or bruised? Are you on your feet a lot during the day?
Choo, how are your heels healing? Did you ever get them looked at? Hope all is well.

Well, we've been busy at work this winter. The ER's here are filled with stomach viruses, strep, pill seekers (weeeee) and hypochondriacs. So really nothing new. ER's are really replacing the family doctor. People don't care anymore, again, nothing new. Most people have insurance that will cover all but their $20 deductible or they have no insurance and will never pay a dime. Fukking honey badgers. It's an interesting phenomenon and likely in part because of a generation that is used to instant results. Some local ER's are even scheduling times for patients to be seen the ER physician :facepalm:

But more importantly, I hope everyone here is healthy and happy.
Choo, how are your heels healing? Did you ever get them looked at? Hope all is well.

Well, we've been busy at work this winter. The ER's here are filled with stomach viruses, strep, pill seekers (weeeee) and hypochondriacs. So really nothing new. ER's are really replacing the family doctor. People don't care anymore, again, nothing new. Most people have insurance that will cover all but their $20 deductible or they have no insurance and will never pay a dime. Fukking honey badgers. It's an interesting phenomenon and likely in part because of a generation that is used to instant results. Some local ER's are even scheduling times for patients to be seen the ER physician :facepalm:

But more importantly, I hope everyone here is healthy and happy.

fuck yeah, you bastards are gonna be dragged to universal "health care" whether you like it or not. even if it kills everybody.:pot:
Choo, how are your heels healing? Did you ever get them looked at? Hope all is well.

Well, we've been busy at work this winter. The ER's here are filled with stomach viruses, strep, pill seekers (weeeee) and hypochondriacs. So really nothing new. ER's are really replacing the family doctor. People don't care anymore, again, nothing new. Most people have insurance that will cover all but their $20 deductible or they have no insurance and will never pay a dime. Fukking honey badgers. It's an interesting phenomenon and likely in part because of a generation that is used to instant results. Some local ER's are even scheduling times for patients to be seen the ER physician :facepalm:

But more importantly, I hope everyone here is healthy and happy.

never got em checked out but all good. iced em a bunch and didnt walk for a week and I was better thanks for the feedback. now i have very tightening chest pains when i try and fall asleep funny I was thinking about just going to the ER. Everything about going to a doctor is miserable. i want to try a beta blocker bc i suspect it is anxiety driven (lol pill seeking too :weee:).

we are happy tho muse.
i sweat too many games i enjoy it i think my heart doesnt like it tho

I remember how the start of a dog race would get my pulse pumping. That's what probably helped ruin my health. To this day nothing in gambling gets me as excited. I get plenty pissed though. Surprised I haven't gotten in trouble considering how many machines I punched. :punches:
@RJ, I've been busy with work trying to get caught up on bills. 3 surgeries in the last 16 months and over 3 months of work missed really set us back, so I'm trying to get us caught back up. How are things with you going?

@Choo, glad to hear you healed up nicely. Beta-Blockers to treat anxiety is considered an off-label use. But there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to back up their efficacy . I know of certain MD's that will even prescribe them just for that reason. So maybe it's something you want to look into. Personally, I'm a bigger fan Xanax but Benzo withdraws are no joke and it just takes one round of wd's to swear them off forever.

@archie, doubt it. Unless the direct cause of your high blood pressure is stress. It's most likely not. And I've never in 10+ years of working with cardiologists witnessed a doc write for an anti-anxiety med to treat high blood pressure. They're mainly for use as needed, not really around the clock, or they're to be abused for fun. That's about it, not treat high blood pressure. Treating high blood pressure is all about understanding what constitutes blood pressure and fixing what isn't right.

Ex. Heart rate plays a role in blood pressure. So if your have high blood pressure and a high heart rate, your doc should start by putting you on a beta blocker and seeing that works (also check your thyroid). Now, if your heart rate is fine but you still have high blood pressure, it's likely being caused by constriction of arteries and veins. So your doc would put you on an ace-inhibitor like Lisinopril 10mg. This will relax those vessels and hopefully correct the BP. Sometimes though it's more complicated and it takes a combination of these two classes of meds in addition to a diuretic because too much fluid in your system can cause hypertension as well. But rarely is someone's anxiety so around the clock that it's the cause of ongoing high blood pressure.
On a side note, It's really getting harder here in the states to get a script for a Benzo, especially Xanax (thanks Whitney), and pain meds (thanks MJ), especially Oxycontin but even Percocets or Lortabs. The "war on drugs" is now focusing primarily on prescription medication abuse so the DEA is going after doc's that write a lot of these scripts, prosecuting them and yanking their licenses. So a lot of docs are scared now. Especially the younger guys with a lot of school debt that can't risk having their licenses revoked. So instead of classic pain meds, they're now referring to physical therapy more often and treating pain with NSAIDS and Neurontin.

You almost always need an MRI or CT scan showing your injury now. The days of walking in and saying your have chronic fibromyalgia and get your #90 lortabs with 2 refills are gone. If you have a doc that's willing to hook you up, don't leave them and don't refer any of your friends to them. The less scripts they write for benzos and opiates, the better off you are.