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Food stamps rant...

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I wasn't really suggesting they be limited to bread and cheese. I'm all for a healthy meal, but waste is waste and those 100 calorie packs are absolutely wasteful. ...and Red Bull? KFC? 7-11 nachos?

That is my biggest problem. I don't know if you guys really realize the amount of abuse that goes on with those programs. I have seen people with iphones and jaguars using them. I have seen them sold for .50 on the dollar for drugs. Especially now that they use a card, people are not afraid to wheel and deal and the amount of misuse is crazy. I know that is a separate issue from the original point of this thread, but just like unemployment here, people take advantage of a system designed to help them and it's frustrating to watch. I guess you have to see it in play to really appreciate how ridiculous it is.

I'm fine with Red Bull and KFC and nachos. This is not a Survivor competition when you are given a certain amount of money and you have to buy the most amount of food regardless of quality and health risks so it could last you longer.

Are you saying that people on unemployment benefits that can't get a job should not eat out and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until they are hired?

When I give a $5 bill to a homeless person on the street I don't tell him to buy bread and cheese. He can go to KFC and eat chicken if he wants. That's fine by me. I'm blessed that I have a job that can supply for my family and I will not wish anyone to go on food stamps, unemployment checks or even be homeless. Be happy for what you have and don't criticize how people in need are trying to make meets end with the help they get.
This is a sore subject that I try to ignore or I'll go crazy....You gay ass Canadians don't have Mexicans in your shit Country because if you did then welfare would all of a sudden be a problem to you.

Mexicans rob and rape the system every day, Blacks are worse but at least they are from here, Mexicans are here illegally and we spend billions and billions of dollars to make them feel comfortable.
I'm fine with Red Bull and KFC and nachos. This is not a Survivor competition when you are given a certain amount of money and you have to buy the most amount of food regardless of quality and health risks so it could last you longer.

Are you saying that people on unemployment benefits that can't get a job should not eat out and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until they are hired?

When I give a $5 bill to a homeless person on the street I don't tell him to buy bread and cheese. He can go to KFC and eat chicken if he wants. That's fine by me. I'm blessed that I have a job that can supply for my family and I will not wish anyone to go on food stamps, unemployment checks or even be homeless. Be happy for what you have and don't criticize how people in need are trying to make meets end with the help they get.
I'm fine with people in true need getting help. And trust me, I give plenty to charity and always give money to people on the street. And those people are free to do whatever they choose with that money. And I believe that that is where the primary safety net should be...with churches, charitable organizations and individuals. I believe those who have the means have a moral obligation to help the less fortunate and truly needy. I do not believe they have a moral obligation to help persons who are not willing to help themselves and allow them to live better than those who are. What I have a problem with is seeing friends of mine busting their ass and having to buy store brand food and cut coupons to make it, while others are given a free ride, have no incentive to become employed, and enjoy a better standard of living than those who work.

Do I think they should only eat pb and j? No. Do I think they should be able to go out to dinner with government handouts? No.

If you argue they should be allowed to eat organic chicken for health reasons, I will concede that point, but then to say it is fine for them to purchase Red Bull, 7-11 nachos and KFC? That seems counter-intuitive.

I guess I saw just way too many people taking advantage of the system and literally laugh about it...people pretending not to be together to get double benefits, hiding assets, the list goes on and on......more than the actual cost of pennies a day to the average tax payer (if those stats are correct) it's just the whole point of persons trying to take advantage and get one over that pisses me off.

Give a man a fish...yada yada yada.
This is a sore subject that I try to ignore or I'll go crazy....You gay ass Canadians don't have Mexicans in your shit Country because if you did then welfare would all of a sudden be a problem to you.

Mexicans rob and rape the system every day, Blacks are worse but at least they are from here, Mexicans are here illegally and we spend billions and billions of dollars to make them feel comfortable.

I surely hope you are joking.
This is a sore subject that I try to ignore or I'll go crazy....You gay ass Canadians don't have Mexicans in your shit Country because if you did then welfare would all of a sudden be a problem to you.

Mexicans rob and rape the system every day, Blacks are worse but at least they are from here, Mexicans are here illegally and we spend billions and billions of dollars to make them feel comfortable.

Stop telling the Mexicans your country is so fucking great and they'll stop coming, pal.

You guys never shut up about how great you are and then when people show up you get pissed.

Maybe if they thought the US was a shit country (like Canada) you'd have less people at the party.
Two wrongs don't make a right. :yoda:

That's not the point, the anger is always aimed at the poor fuck buying a pack of smokes or a bottle of booze on the government dime when corporations take billions more and eat caviar and no one says fuck all.

The middle class always gets stuck with the check and they take their frustration out on the poor.
That's not the point, the anger is always aimed at the poor fuck buying a pack of smokes or a bottle of booze on the government dime when corporations take billions more and eat caviar and no one says fuck all.

The middle class always gets stuck with the check and they take their frustration out on the poor.
You're right although my frustration is not with the poor, it's with the persons taking advantage of the system...and I am not sure some people realize how widespread that is. ..and I do think that if you are receiving benefits you should at least consider buying almonds in a bigger package. :)

Also I had all these scammers in my face all day long so I am jaded.... but perhaps my anger, if not misdirected, should at least be split between the two offending parties.

It's actually not a deal I tend to get worked up about unless it's in my face. Finding that receipt today just triggered something I guess. Maybe it's cuz I buy those 100 calorie packs myself for mom, and I know how stupid it is to pay for the convenience of a bunch of small packages.

Unfortunately I guess there is no way to eliminate fraud short of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

On that note, I am going to thank God I am able to order some chicken wings from Rookie's tonight, and thank Plommer for giving me permission to eat them.
IAG kind of OT but back when the G20 summit was held in Toronto the government spent a fukkin BILLION dollars on the event, mostly for security. A BILLION dollars!

The top news story and the subject of most of the anger regarding the summit? Yeah it was vented at the idiots who vandalized property and did damage of a few million dollars - how convenient that they focused on a few million dollars damage caused by unruly citizens instead of the hundreds of millions more the government wasted holding the summit in Toronto.
IAG kind of OT but back when the G20 summit was held in Toronto the government spent a fukkin BILLION dollars on the event, mostly for security. A BILLION dollars!

The top news story and the subject of most of the anger regarding the summit? Yeah it was vented at the idiots who vandalized property and did damage of a few million dollars - how convenient that they focused on a few million dollars damage caused by unruly citizens instead of the hundreds of millions more the government wasted holding the summit in Toronto.

That's a big number. And agreed. You make a valid point.

You know what also is a big number?
1.2 trillion dollars.

In 2013, Alzheimer's will cost the United States $203 billion. This number is expected to rise to $1.2 trillion by 2050.

Now that is way off topic. But you started it. :guitar: