There's this bitch that lives a few houses up the road from me and I swear she just won't die. Her property looks like it's abandoned, and yet when I use her unfenced front yard to turn my truck around in she always walks down to my house to tell me that next time I do it she's gonna call the cops. Well the third time she did that I called the sheriff myself just to call her bluff. Sure enough the deputy they dispatch went to school with me and he tells her that they're not going to do anything and they're tired of her calling every week about one neighbor or another.
That was last year though, and she's still walking down trying to intimidate me. Quite frankly, it's boring me at this point. I called her bluff and she can't see that, and at this point I turn around in her yard even when I don't need to. I'm at the point where I keep hoping to see an ambulance drive past my driveway cam to haul her stinky carcass away. She's 93, how long am I going to have to wait??
I guess I should fill-in the back story that she was one of the meanest lunch ladies around at my elementary school from kindergarten to second grade. So I've had it out for this old bitty since I was basically 5 years old. I almost didn't buy this place when I found out she lived so close, but then I took it as a karma to be able to fuck with her as a neighbor. But she just keeps living and getting meaner!
Today she had her son (who barely visits) install boards with nails sticking up along the edge of her front lawn as a deterrent. Any of you guys have a good idea on how to use them against her? I need a fresh look at the skirmish.