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Don't Tase Me Bro

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I say you taser someone that is a nuisance and you shoot someone that is an obvious threat.

In this example...we didn't know if the kid had a knife...a gun or anything on him. He could have pulled it out and gone postal. Doesn't anyone remember Monica Seles? It is serious....there are many more fans than there are cops and if they wanted to really push the limits and cause havoc they could. Follow the rules and you won't be tased
I really don't care who is wrong and who is right. Watching someone get tased = always hilarious!

As long as it isn't you, that is funny stuff! The weird thing is, he wanted him to stand, so a taser will do it? The guy was so stunned he had to sit back down? If I was the cop, I might want to get my rocks off too?

Maybe the next step would be to start a taser tag league? Kinda like a step up from paint ball competition. :dunno:
All the taser "experts" come out of the woodwork after a taser incident.

As mentioned, any unauthorized people running on to the playing surface of a sporting event are a threat until proven otherwise.

What if security (or police) do not treat these people as potential threats and act accordingly and then the violator hurts a pro athelete?

Then all the Monday morning QB's will be out in full force screaming "why didn't those dumb cops do anything to stop that guy?!?!?!"
All the taser "experts" come out of the woodwork after a taser incident.

As mentioned, any unauthorized people running on to the playing surface of a sporting event are a threat until proven otherwise.

What if security (or police) do not treat these people as potential threats and act accordingly and then the violator hurts a pro athelete?

Then all the Monday morning QB's will be out in full force screaming "why didn't those dumb cops do anything to stop that guy?!?!?!"

Cops use tasers where guns would never be used. It is an indisputable fact. The title of this thread is a testament to that.

Now if you want to slurp off some C- cops who who are power tripping on a sense of false superiority, than that is your prerogative.

There's always the "Hey, the cops have a tough job" crowd, or "Hey, these men and women protect us". Cops have never protected me, I avoid them at all costs.

Where I live cops make 6 figures and you couldn't get one fired if you caught him snorting coke off of a 12 year old's ass.
Quick question, what did cops do before tasers?

I don't really see how this is relevant to this discussion.

It's like saying how did people drive in cars before we had airbags.

Have police at times used Tasers inappropriately? Abso-fucking-lutely. But let's avoid getting into a broad discussion about police work and discuss this specific incident.

Every reasonable person knows that you're not allowed to jump on to the field during play and start running around. As far as I'm concerned it's open season (taser wise) on people that disrupt professional sporting events.
my point was that this douche bag was a security guard....a mall cop who gets to get some overtime sitting on his ass watching a baseball game and they gave this guy a taser? Too many d-bags have access to tasers these days. I mean, where was this kid going to escape too? They are going to catch him and beat the shit out of him. Tasing just seems like a shortcut. use some energy and chase the kid around if you don't have a heart attack first you fat fuck.