*jumping in to volunteer information about myself that isn't really pertinent, asked for or really even all that interesting.
I am an equal mix of incredibly vain and not. I will walk around for a week in the same clothes and not comb my hair for days on end but short of actually cutting my skin I'd do it all.....as long as it didn't look like I did, and I could keep my devil may care persona intact.
And the whole skin cutting thing probably not, but.....ask me in ten more years. Also, if it makes a difference in my "cred", I'm not talking about
"Heidi Montag" (embarrassed I even know who that is) procedures, more like, "gee, you look really well rested" types of things.
I'm on a boat mother fuckers. A mother fucking boat.....that will be sinking. It's inevitable but, I'd rather not be reminded of that fact every time I brush my teeth.
Probably if I had kids to focus on I would have given up this fight long ago. But, good lord, who wants that?!?