Hooligans Sportsbook

Don't call my name, don't call my name

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kids are great
fuk nonparents

Kids are great. It's me with the problem. I didn't mean to belittle anyone that has them. I am in serious awe of the commitment of heart, time and money. It's just not something I was cut out for.

The one and only time I babysat as a pre teen the toddler took off his diaper and smeared poo all over the walls. I think it may have scarred me.
point taken
its just the selfishness inside you that doesnt want kids...

I've always wanted a son, I got 2 now both not planned...

but wouldnt trade the pre- nonresponsible adult life for the semi-responsible parent life now

whose gonna pass on the jamican bloodline Bread?
you cant let it die with you
point taken
its just the selfishness inside you that doesnt want kids...

I've always wanted a son, I got 2 now both not planned...

but wouldnt trade the pre- nonresponsible adult life for the semi-responsible parent life now

whose gonna pass on the jamican bloodline Bread?
you cant let it die with you

You couldn't be more incorrect, my friend.

It would be selfish of me to HAVE a kid. I would be a terrible father and my child would have a severe disadvantage his entire life because of my lack of parenting/terrible genes/etc.

We've had this discussion before though. Not looking to start this one up again. It's just maddening that anyone would think someone like me is selfish for not having kids. Just silly.
point taken
its just the selfishness inside you that doesnt want kids...

I've always wanted a son, I got 2 now both not planned...

but wouldnt trade the pre- nonresponsible adult life for the semi-responsible parent life now

whose gonna pass on the jamican bloodline Bread?
you cant let it die with you

I certainly wouldn't label it as selfish. Everyone has their own reasons. Personally, I don't want kids because I wouldn't want them to endure the society that we live in. Life isn't gonna get any easier. This Earth can only sustain so many humans. Look at how many more problems our generations face compared to the generations before us.

Some might even call that selfless.
your gonna miss some entertaining times ...
like parents coming to blows over little league games
its magical to sit back and watch douche bag dads resort to fist a cuffs over tee ball

i grew up playing hockey, and one of my teammates got thrown on of the game, his mom came on the ice and attacked the ref with his pocket book. :fuckyourmother:
*jumping in to volunteer information about myself that isn't really pertinent, asked for or really even all that interesting.

I am an equal mix of incredibly vain and not. I will walk around for a week in the same clothes and not comb my hair for days on end but short of actually cutting my skin I'd do it all.....as long as it didn't look like I did, and I could keep my devil may care persona intact.

And the whole skin cutting thing probably not, but.....ask me in ten more years. Also, if it makes a difference in my "cred", I'm not talking about "Heidi Montag" (embarrassed I even know who that is) procedures, more like, "gee, you look really well rested" types of things.

I'm on a boat mother fuckers. A mother fucking boat.....that will be sinking. It's inevitable but, I'd rather not be reminded of that fact every time I brush my teeth.

Probably if I had kids to focus on I would have given up this fight long ago. But, good lord, who wants that?!?

what's a devil may care persona?