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Did any of you read my articles at SBR?

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Dave, you still sound bitter. You are never going to move on with your life if you don't stop blaming everybody else for your past. I have no connections whatsoever to the people that made it happen, but it has been about a year now. If you have the talent to make your next project work, you better stop feeling sorry for yourself and go balls to the wall. I have read your stuff and you are a good writer. But nobody wants to follow somebody that has no confidence in themselves. You can't make others have confidence in anything you do until you figure it out on your own. I wish you the best of luck with your project.

Outside of the 'Ask Vegas Dave' thread or when he has answered specific questions regarding his separation from SBR, I haven't seen Dave sound bitter about anything. Bummed out that he is still unemployed, sure.

Dave isn't unlike any other poster here who occasionally discusses their frustration with certain topics. Plus, if anyone is going to get on Dave's case, I suppose many here are equally as guilty as the very foundation of this forum was built upon the egregious actions of SBR.
Outside of the 'Ask Vegas Dave' thread or when he has answered specific questions regarding his separation from SBR, I haven't seen Dave sound bitter about anything. Bummed out that he is still unemployed, sure.

Dave isn't unlike any other poster here who occasionally discusses their frustration with certain topics. Plus, if anyone is going to get on Dave's case, I suppose many here are equally as guilty as the very foundation of this forum was built upon the egregious actions of SBR.

Good say, for a girl.
does USC cover agaisnt Hawaii?
How do you feel about the biggest douchebag in the NCAA HCing USC now?

I think they do cover, yes. I haaaaate Kiffin, and think he's a huge asshole. Bummed that he's the coach at 'SC, but actually expect him to do quite well.

FWIW I didn't think you were fishing for anything Davey. It was a legitimate question.

If you ask me websites/forums like SBR are a really bad medium for writers - whatever content you produce is drowned out by the sheer amount of content produced 24/7 by posters.

I don't even understand why these sites try to maintain an actual homepage - no one wants to go there. The actual homepage is the main forum listing.

Keep in mind that bringing in new traffic is important, too. Thousands of people search for free picks every day on google, and millions search for info on their favorite teams. If they find an article written at SBR, they might be inclined to click on one of the ads or check out the forum itself. Anything to boost traffic is good, even if it isn't "forum friendly".

any links?

Soon. Want to put the finishing touches on. Though its all outdated stuff now anyway, sports pieces don't age well.

Outside of the 'Ask Vegas Dave' thread or when he has answered specific questions regarding his separation from SBR, I haven't seen Dave sound bitter about anything. Bummed out that he is still unemployed, sure.

Dave isn't unlike any other poster here who occasionally discusses their frustration with certain topics. Plus, if anyone is going to get on Dave's case, I suppose many here are equally as guilty as the very foundation of this forum was built upon the egregious actions of SBR.

Thanks Robyn.
Keep in mind that bringing in new traffic is important, too. Thousands of people search for free picks every day on google, and millions search for info on their favorite teams.

Exactly my point Dave. People are more likely to google up posts rather than your articles. Google doesn't really differentiate between the original post of a coin-flipping retard and the researched article of a VegasDave. There is a lot more of the former.
Exactly my point Dave. People are more likely to google up posts rather than your articles. Google doesn't really differentiate between the original post of a coin-flipping retard and the researched article of a VegasDave. There is a lot more of the former.

Actually, Google News is a much more powerful tool than just google itself. Search "Virginia Tech Hokies" on google right now. You will not see any SBR posts, no chance; Google's PageRank would weed those out with so many better options for this search. But you'll notice just a few spots down "news for virginia tech hokies". Click on that, and you're brought to the google news page, featuring nothing but articles and news on the Hokies. Scroll down a bit, and you'll see "NCAA Football Odds: 2010 Virginia Tech Hokies‎ - SBR Forum".

Granted, this isn't a great example because you had to scroll down a bit... but there were numerous occasions where I'd write an article on the New York Yankees and the SBR article would be front and center, first story on the news reel for anyone that searched New York Yankees. Resulting in 1000s of hits. Without google news, a search like New York Yankees will not direct anyone to SBR.
I'd write an article on the New York Yankees and the SBR article would be front and center, first story on the news reel for anyone that searched New York Yankees. Resulting in 1000s of hits.

All those hits are from media people anxiously checking for the ranking of their article. :biglaugh:

Kidding, sort of. You make a good point. I also tried a couple of searches within "site:sbrforum.com" and the articles consistently appear on top of posts. I just know better than to click on those heavily-SEO'ed articles. :spinner:
All those hits are from media people anxiously checking for the ranking of their article. :biglaugh:

Haha, but then, it only counts as a hit when you actually click the link... just searching it on google doesn't mess with your hit count.

It worked wonders for building traffic when I was running AllPac10. This article I wrote on Matt Barkley after the Ohio State game scored some 2000+ hits.