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Did any of you read my articles at SBR?

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:up: Loved all the vids you had but not much of a reader. Those bastards over there weren't promoting you enough I surmise? Davey, you would have been in your glory if the Pac10 got all those Big12 schools too? Twelve ain't bad though. Always loved that the conference was the most appropriate geographically wise. :yes:
Dave, since you are looking for feedback I will answer.

I did not read your articles. I assumed (yes I am fully aware of the cliche' and it fits) that they would be along the lines of your Game Selection vids of which I was not a fan. Now before you go and think that I wasn't a Vegas Dave fan at all let me stop you. I was a HUGE fan of the Vegas Dave mocking videos. When you just let your hair down and went for the roasting style humor you were at your best. I made a point of defending and praising you over there after you were dismissed/fired/layed off or quit.
Nope not you.

That's another strike against you you spineless worthless weasel. You'll probably never see this or me. But life is strange sometimes.


Sorry VD you indeed did not threaten to sue me foe defacation.

My apologies.
Did you actually do anything other than football, and how is it you got a job writting shit for a web site like SBR? Did it pay well? I know that you should have hard feelings with the way that it ended, and I agree that you totally got bent over good, with out a reach around.

Well, it was SBR's idea. I had asked if they were hiring, and they came to me with the idea of being a moderator/content provider, writing and doing videos. I did all of the major sports, actually not much football at all considering I was let go right when football season came around.

The articles were less geared towards active forum members and more towards getting new traffic. Everything that was posted on the front page got some 300-500 views off of google searches, and some of my more popular pieces got thousands.

But alas, as I'm sure I covered in my epic "Ask Vegas Dave" thread, I don't know that they ever actually thought it through much beyond asking me to move 1500 miles and try shit out. On numerous occasions I asked Bill if he'd like me to write more or do more videos (and on what subjects), always trying to get a feel for what they wanted from me, and I never really got a straight answer.
Well, it was SBR's idea. I had asked if they were hiring, and they came to me with the idea of being a moderator/content provider, writing and doing videos. I did all of the major sports, actually not much football at all considering I was let go right when football season came around.

The articles were less geared towards active forum members and more towards getting new traffic. Everything that was posted on the front page got some 300-500 views off of google searches, and some of my more popular pieces got thousands.

But alas, as I'm sure I covered in my epic "Ask Vegas Dave" thread, I don't know that they ever actually thought it through much beyond asking me to move 1500 miles and try shit out. On numerous occasions I asked Bill if he'd like me to write more or do more videos (and on what subjects), always trying to get a feel for what they wanted from me, and I never really got a straight answer.

Dave, you still sound bitter. You are never going to move on with your life if you don't stop blaming everybody else for your past. I have no connections whatsoever to the people that made it happen, but it has been about a year now. If you have the talent to make your next project work, you better stop feeling sorry for yourself and go balls to the wall. I have read your stuff and you are a good writer. But nobody wants to follow somebody that has no confidence in themselves. You can't make others have confidence in anything you do until you figure it out on your own. I wish you the best of luck with your project.
Dave, you still sound bitter. You are never going to move on with your life if you don't stop blaming everybody else for your past. I have no connections whatsoever to the people that made it happen, but it has been about a year now. If you have the talent to make your next project work, you better stop feeling sorry for yourself and go balls to the wall. I have read your stuff and you are a good writer. But nobody wants to follow somebody that has no confidence in themselves. You can't make others have confidence in anything you do until you figure it out on your own. I wish you the best of luck with your project.

I'm not really following. Sure, I still think it was a dick move, but I've moved on. I was simply answering a question posed to me.

I don't feel sorry for myself, and I sure as shit don't "blame everyone else for my past".

I'm not really sure where you get that I'm bitter, blame everyone else for my problems, and feel sorry for myself from me explaining how I got the job at SBR when someone asked, and pointing out that even they didn't really know what they were hiring me for.
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Just my opinion. Was not going to say anything because its really none of my business but I did anyways. Most of the posts I have read from you have seemed to me as seeking sympathy from everybody for what happened to you. You have had negative energy throughout the year which is to be expected after the bad things that have happened. But, from my perspective if you aspire to get attention and a market for your future projects, your attitude has to change. If you are actually really confident in your writing and work you have done, you wouldn't ask "did anyone read my articles." Maybe I am missing the point of your thread but seemed like you were fishing for something. As I stated before, I hope everything works out for you. I'm not trying to keep you down, just throwing out a little unsolicited opinion.
I'm not fishing for anything in this thread. I was genuinely curious, and am happy that a bunch of people took the time to chime in and let me know if they had or hadn't. I was curious to see if the stuff I wrote actually got any exposure amongst forum members... I wasn't looking for affirmation or anything.

As for changing my attitude to market my future projects, I don't really think of GameLive as a place where I'm trying to market myself or boost my personal brand. This forum is comprised mostly of people who know me, or know of me, from SBR. Some here respect me, others are indifferent, some dislike me or think I'm a whiny bitch. I don't spend a ton of time posting here, and when I do it isn't with the agenda of getting new fans or changing people's minds about me. I'm just real, whether I'm in a bad mood or a good mood. If I'm losing people's respect for that, so it goes.

But this thread wasn't supposed to be a sad one or anything, it was just a question.
FWIW I didn't think you were fishing for anything Davey. It was a legitimate question.

If you ask me websites/forums like SBR are a really bad medium for writers - whatever content you produce is drowned out by the sheer amount of content produced 24/7 by posters.

I don't even understand why these sites try to maintain an actual homepage - no one wants to go there. The actual homepage is the main forum listing.