Hooligans Sportsbook


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Just look at Italy man. The same thing is coming to you before the end of the month.

Every day spent pushing back against preventive measures is going to bring y'all closer to what Italy is experiencing. Judging by some of the posts on here, y'all are going to be in a world of hurt in 2-3 weeks.

Whatever. I'll pop back in here in 2 weeks, March 31. See how y'all are doing. :peace:
where do you get this? I wish somebody was pushing back on something. There is no push back on anything. That's the culture we live in. one two and obey
zero miedo

Down to 4 rolls. All I want is one pack but the local stores are still out. Fuck you Boner (respectfully).

Two of my Toronto friends were laid off today. One is an event planner and another one is a graphic designer. This shit has a very quick domino effect.

I'm not even concerned for myself, peeps are still buying guitar pickups and sending me marketing work. I'm fine. I just want my NHL playoffs and a normal life ASAP.

Y'all have to be explained every little thing.
where do you get this? I wish somebody was pushing back on something. There is no push back on anything. That's the culture we live in. one two and obey

Are you not spending any time on social media?

Things are pretty split between people who are fucking furious about this and people who are fine with it as a necessary evil. Tons of people are willfully ignoring city requests to shut down operations. I still see full parks full of people. Restaurants in LA County are supposed to be closing dining areas but I see plenty ignoring and staying open.

Tons of people are pushing back... and continuing the spread. Not sure where you get the idea everyone is happily accepting this.
Well, the lentil dinner that was the only Healthy Choice meal left on Amazon is very high in fiber so it looks like I'll be fartin and poopin a lot.

That's one way to social distance, I guess.

Good for reducing bad cholesterol though.
I think I could support a mandatory exposure for all able bodied Americans. Between the ages of 0-49 with no comorbidities you're required to be exposed. After 2 weeks over half the population would be immune to infection and would not be able to transmit.

herd immunity works in theory when you know exactly what you are dealing with. But we don't yet. New things are being learned everyday.

certain subsets can reaquire this virus after recovering, certain subsets are contagious but never will know they have it. certain subsets haven't gotten rid of it for over 30 days and counting now.

There are also many cases where healthy people get it, and it permanately damages the lungs in a bad way. So even if we get the vaccine for 2021 and its more effective than the flu vaccine(60% at best) Some people with permanent damage might catch the new Corona virus mutation (just like the flu is different every year right?) and then die quickly from pneumonia from their already compromised lungs.

The researchers and scientists need to be bought some time and slow the spread of a virus that is way more highly contagious. The supply chain needs time to adapt to be able to equip hospitals around the globe with the necessary equipment, we are already years behind.

Here's the big big reason that the curve talk matters and its speaks to the whole "the flu kills more".

the doctors and staff at hospitals and clinics almost ALL get the flu vaccine. They lose very little of their staff in the worst flu seasons, but they lose some. There is no way for these workers to NOT catch it once they start seeing hundreds a day. Our hospital staffing will go down a good 30-50% in many places. The beds will be filled, the ventilators will all be being used.... and only a small fraction of the people that will soon get very sick with the virus will have gone to a hospital.

its not just the elderly and infirm that will suffer. Every day tens thousands of people are rushed to hospitals with cardiac events, bad accidents, respiratory illnesses. The thousands of people that are saved and fully recover from major medical events every day. Will dwindle to hundreds as the system will simply not be able to accomodate them anymore. tens of thousands of life saving surgeries will not be able to take place. how many cancer diagnosises will not be made early because people can't get an appointment or are affraid to go to one? The ripples and collateral effects go well beyond this. Its not a simple Flu vs Corona numbers thing.

also muddy I think you should put your dick through each and every one of those cardboard TP rolls
73. That's the number of rolls of toilet paper I have in my apartment right now. And the Uline deluxe stuff is like double rolls. It doesn't even fit properly on my dispenser. The rolls are too thick. You have to use some before it will spin freely on there (which is a bit annoying but that's another story.)

That's gotta be a 3 year supply.

I don't know what kind of pandemic horror may lay ahead but dammit, my anus will be wiped.
I'll ask Jenny if she wants some.

Meanwhile work turned a corner today. After weeks of insanity and long hours and shipping records, things really leveled out. I'm guessing the declaration of emergency - and all the related details - from the premier of Ontario must have had an effect.
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its not just the elderly and infirm that will suffer. Every day tens thousands of people are rushed to hospitals with cardiac events, bad accidents, respiratory illnesses.

like for example one day you're riding your bike, have an accident and are rushed to the ER with a broken clavicle and rib except being tended to right away like normally you have to wait 10x longer in that excruciating pain

then instead of scheduling repairing surgery a week out, it becomes a standby for an opening because all non Corona related activities and non essential surgeries are put on hold, needing to take that heavy dope that leaves you like a zombie for say a month

so finally you have your surgery and a month later you start having complications from it, blood clots have developed and you're sent urgently to be admitted to an ICU because things have gotten dangerous, except there's no freaking ICU beds available, bunch of old people took the good spots

yeah I could picture that scenario, or maybe nah
yeah I'm not sure how likely any of that is. Learn from China. After about 6 weeks their new cases are almost 0. So lets not get carried away. ...Of course that is a socialist country that actually cares about its 1.5 billion people :thinking:

On the bright side, there was toilet paper available at Walmart today :dunno:
like for example one day you're riding your bike, have an accident and are rushed to the ER with a broken clavicle and rib except being tended to right away like normally you have to wait 10x longer in that excruciating pain

then instead of scheduling repairing surgery a week out, it becomes a standby for an opening because all non Corona related activities and non essential surgeries are put on hold, needing to take that heavy dope that leaves you like a zombie for say a month

so finally you have your surgery and a month later you start having complications from it, blood clots have developed and you're sent urgently to be admitted to an ICU because things have gotten dangerous, except there's no freaking ICU beds available, bunch of old people took the good spots

yeah I could picture that scenario, or maybe nah


No but for real well played BUT......

none of my hospital visit was required to save my life (5 rib fractures need time to heal on their own and pain meds I could get from my primary care doctor). My clavicle surgery CAUSED my blood clots.

So if I had crashed during this PANDEMIC I would have never had the surgery that caused the blood clots in the first place.

I feel screwed that there was no PANDEMIC the week I crashed my bike.
yeah I know exaggerating, it's just Archie's point that not all stress to the medical infrastructure would be directly to this illness

I don't believe any US metro area would succumb like that example, the thing is we just don't know, nobody is right or wrong, if the efforts are too much or too little, we can just gpu model and make decisions off that