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Should be interesting to see how long I am out of work for. Just a matter of time as today non essential businesses were ordered shutdown here. Haven't heard anything yet.

Actually maybe that will be minimal since the factory I mainly work at now actually increases our hours when it's closed out of concern for bigtime theft/inside jobs.

I see that the trains are shut down. Subways probably next then buses.

Hoping for - but not expecting - the best.

In the past this would have been a solid excuse for a bender but I'm not feelin it.

Thank God for electronics and binge watching abilities.

Thank you Benjamin Franklin. :hattip:
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I wonder what these people are gonna talk about when they run out of things to close. I can't imagine them not talking about doing something.

I heard the DMV is closing. Is it ok to drive around with expired plates now? Or no driving?
Produces mild cold symptoms for 80% of patients that contract it.

A month later and this is still true.

15% get flu-like symptoms and need a week to 10 days of bed rest.

5% have very serious issues. Death is an issue for about 2% of those (with the VAST majority of those being the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions).

So COVID-19 is highly communicable (like the common cold) but it’s much more dangerous to the elderly than the common cold.
Point is shutting everything down is more harmful than the virus.
But nice how they're able to make people bury themselves (and others) happily, believing they are doing something good for society.
I can't wait to see the help and caring they're gonna give the new broke and homeless caused by the shutdown.
Luckily I'm in no immediate danger, but easy for me to see how many struggling gamblers (or similar people in any field) are in dire straits now.
Point is shutting everything down is more harmful than the virus.
But nice how they're able to make people bury themselves (and others) happily, believing they are doing something good for society.
I can't wait to see the help and caring they're gonna give the new broke and homeless caused by the shutdown.
Luckily I'm in no immediate danger, but easy for me to see how many struggling gamblers (or similar people in any field) are in dire straits now.

I'm not sure it's so cut and dry.

Yes, shutting everything down will for sure have devastating effects.

But just proceeding business as usual would, too. Just letting this thing spread to the entire population would kill millions, nevemind all of the resources spent saving those who didn't die.

What is an acceptable death rate for this to be taken more seriously? Would you support lockdowns if this killed 20% of people? 10%? 5%?

I'm not saying I know for sure what the answer to this crisis is, but I know it's a lot more complicated than you and others in the "this is clearly a mistake" camp are making it out to be.
As thought by many, it's really just another flu! I see all the precautions occurring as necessary, just because you really don't want everyone getting it at the same time! Not enough medical supplies to go around! Highly contagious! Hopefully a wake up call of another industry the US of A is too dependent on the Chinese! Though in theory everyone getting it at the same time might be the best end result!
I think I could support a mandatory exposure for all able bodied Americans. Between the ages of 0-49 with no comorbidities you're required to be exposed. After 2 weeks over half the population would be immune to infection and would not be able to transmit.
I'm not sure why you think I'm making it out to be simple. Seems those who think shutting everything down will help everything, are making it appear simple.
Certain things maybe Ok, but certain things is going too far, and of course it matters how deadly the thing is. And I haven't heard much about alternatives, how long this might take, what are we looking to happen before lifting the bans etc..
It's all panic mode and if you aren't ok with just everything someone dicides you're uncaring
My dad is 71. My mom is undergoing chemotherapy. Both could be in serious danger if they come in contact with this.

But whatever, fuck old people. If it doesn't directly affect ME, why should I sacrifice or give a shit about society?

No see you didn’t understand my post. Your Mom and Dad are at high risk EVERY flu season.
I'm not sure why you think I'm making it out to be simple. Seems those who think shutting everything down will help everything, are making it appear simple.
Certain things maybe Ok, but certain things is going too far, and of course it matters how deadly the thing is. And I haven't heard much about alternatives, how long this might take, what are we looking to happen before lifting the bans etc..
It's all panic mode and if you aren't ok with just everything someone dicides you're uncaring

Just look at Italy man. The same thing is coming to you before the end of the month.

Every day spent pushing back against preventive measures is going to bring y'all closer to what Italy is experiencing. Judging by some of the posts on here, y'all are going to be in a world of hurt in 2-3 weeks.

Whatever. I'll pop back in here in 2 weeks, March 31. See how y'all are doing. :peace:
Death rate up to 9% in closed cases while mild rate has risen to 94% in active cases! Poor Italy +345 deaths and probably going to rise considering elderly who have underlying medical issues just won't receive any care! Mr Spock understands!
IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MORTALITY RATE. It's about avoiding societal collapse - it's about going back to normal as quickly as fucking possible, which is not going to happen if the majority of you don't take preventive measures seriously.

For every death, there are dozens of HOSPITALIZATIONS that take up precious resources.

I think I could support a mandatory exposure for all able bodied Americans. Between the ages of 0-49 with no comorbidities you're required to be exposed. After 2 weeks over half the population would be immune to infection and would not be able to transmit.

There are already reports of cases where a person caught it twice.