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How's your sense of taste/smell?
Decent. My doc said he’s not hearing patients complain about taste/smell with new variant.

I just checked my SpO2% on my device that just arrived. Relieved to see it hovering between 97 and 98. Doc said I have to go to ER immediately if it goes below 90. Whew.
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Sorry to hear Tron, I feel your pain…been sick for better part of three weeks. BF picked up covid while in Jersey for Christmas… we both tested when he got back. He was still positive, I was negative, He is not vaccinated. I have two shots of Pfizer. I also was prescribed a steroid, antibiotic, and the same pills as you for cough. Antibiotics and steroid did nothing. (That’s expected because it’s viral I guess. ) Don’t really have a feeling on the little balls for the cough. I think I just got a nasty cold because I had been isolated for so long, and now I’m in an environment where I’m constantly around many people, most of whom work in a casino.
I read through the thread, but I may have missed it. Did you test positive? In any case, being sick sucks. I had to have my ear drained last week because i couldn’t take being basically deaf in one ear. Unfortunately it’s clogged up again.

Get well soon , and if you find something to shorten this crap let me know. Your oxygen is good. Pulse oximeter is good to have.…glad you got one. Mine got down to 91 the other day and I went to the doctor, but he gave me an inhaler (never used one before but wth)and it’s back up in the 95 range now. I picked up some zinc and vitamin C and D. Haven’t been pushing enough fluids…mostly because I’m coughing so violently hard I am scared I will pee myself..ha.

BF wants to drive to Denver in two days,,, need a miracle cure.
Sorry to hear Tron, I feel your pain…been sick for better part of three weeks. BF picked up covid while in Jersey for Christmas… we both tested when he got back. He was still positive, I was negative, He is not vaccinated. I have two shots of Pfizer. I also was prescribed a steroid, antibiotic, and the same pills as you for cough. Antibiotics and steroid did nothing. (That’s expected because it’s viral I guess. ) Don’t really have a feeling on the little balls for the cough. I think I just got a nasty cold because I had been isolated for so long, and now I’m in an environment where I’m constantly around many people, most of whom work in a casino.
I read through the thread, but I may have missed it. Did you test positive? In any case, being sick sucks. I had to have my ear drained last week because i couldn’t take being basically deaf in one ear. Unfortunately it’s clogged up again.

Get well soon , and if you find something to shorten this crap let me know. Your oxygen is good. Pulse oximeter is good to have.…glad you got one. Mine got down to 91 the other day and I went to the doctor, but he gave me an inhaler (never used one before but wth)and it’s back up in the 95 range now. I picked up some zinc and vitamin C and D. Haven’t been pushing enough fluids…mostly because I’m coughing so violently hard I am scared I will pee myself..ha.

BF wants to drive to Denver in two days,,, need a miracle cure.
sux iag - horrible to hear this - although so happy you found a good guy
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Just thinking of Muddy and wondering when was his last post? Thought he just exited out but with COVID here. Hope all is well.

Thought came up cause we went to C Eve party at neighbor's home and was by my count 20-25 people gathered in close proximity though some didn't stay as long as us. At least 50% I know for sure wasn't vaxxed and probably more (including an 92 year old lady) so wearing a mask wasn't an option.

Thought for sure by work I would have gotten by now. Time will tell and hopefully just will be omicron. My son knows at least 4 friends who have omicron I'm surmising since all just have say just sore throat along with a low fewer etc etc. Of course they all were vaccinated like my son.
Above posted right after Christmas in Muddy's RT thread but switched to here. Update now 2 weeks after party. If 2-14 days to get COVID today should be it but who knows every single day that goes by if we were exposed.

Also when we both got the antibodies test in late Sep(MrsMt/Oct(me) well both came up no antibodies. Of course by then it stated on the result that it only goes back 6 months. LOL That was a waste of a test advised to get by our doctor.
Feeling considerably better. Got out of breath doing some heavy chores around my place but, yeah, I’m out of the hell world that was Monday afternoon ——-> Thursday morning.

Here’s what I would have done different:

-Not procrastinated on the booster. I was a month overdue. My brain keeps telling me I’m 32 years old but we are QUICKLY approaching 50. I’m a relatively healthy guy but I’m definitely booster material

-as extremely difficult as the task felt at the time with a fever/body aches/lethargy taking hold, I should have went and got tested Monday late afternoon or EARLY Tuesday morning. If you recall, I got turned away Tuesday afternoon and was too wiped out to go to a different testing site. I still do not have my test results from Wednesday mornings test.

-most importantly, I would have started taking two Tylenol every 8 hours on Tuesday morning/afternoon (giving the low grade fever a little time to cook) but not going basically 48 hours without Tylenol. And I should have called my doctor at onset of symptoms so that I would have video seen him on Tuesday rather than late Wednesday afternoon.

It feels amazing to be feeling somewhat better. I’m not go on a bike ride better, but I’m making big progress.