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The McB’s are anti-vaxxers :eeknew:
Not true. I think that the vaccine has slowed the spread. I think that it is amazing that they were able to come up with a vaccine so quickly and that it saved many lives. I do think that everyone should have the ability to decide for themselves whether they need to get the vaccine or not. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander.

Can it be proven that a vaccination is > than those that have been infected? Can it be proven that a mask is > than not wearing a mask? Can it be proven that 6' separation is a mitigation factor? There are vaccinated only sections at sports arenas. There are travel advantages for those that have vaccination cards. Those are the two main things that I am referring to.
Does it matter? Public distrust of information at this point is so prevalent that studies or announcements that go against what someone believes are just ignored or written off as propaganda anyway. What would it take to change your mind on beliefs you have already settled into?
On commuter train into city for the first time in over a 15 months (slightly less than the last time I had a haircut).

Everyone wearing a mask. Fucking pawns.
CDC still recommends this.

Regardless of COVID vaccination status (or mask efficacy), studies have for years shown masks help reduce flu and other respiratory illnesses.

As I've already mentioned in this thread, I think USA should lift mandates to wear masks and you and others who don't want to can go right ahead.

But if folks got used to wearing them and want to continue to do so, what do you care?
Does it matter? Public distrust of information at this point is so prevalent that studies or announcements that go against what someone believes are just ignored or written off as propaganda anyway. What would it take to change your mind on beliefs you have already settl

CDC still recommends this.

Regardless of COVID vaccination status (or mask efficacy), studies have for years shown masks help reduce flu and other respiratory illnesses.

As I've already mentioned in this thread, I think USA should lift mandates to wear masks and you and others who don't want to can go right ahead.

But if folks got used to wearing them and want to continue to do so, what do you care?
CDC is a joke at this point to be honest.c
Does it matter? Public distrust of information at this point is so prevalent that studies or announcements that go against what someone believes are just ignored or written off as propaganda anyway. What would it take to change your mind on beliefs you have already settled into?
Where do you think public distrust comes from? The CDC at this point is like Bodog leaning on an underdog. At the beginning none of us had any statistics to work with. Now that we have numbers, we can formulate opinions and nothing is set in stone.