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Community Fok-U Thread

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Here's a little "Did You FOK'n Know" for you.

Did you know that if you pull into one of those Jiffy Lubes, Tuffy or some other "quick fix" type oil change specialty shops and you sign that piece of paper they hand you prior to doing the work that is supposed to be the authorization for the job you came in for that you BETTER FOK'N READ IT THOROUGHLY?

I stopped in today to have an oil change and to charge my AC. I was told it would be about 2 hours so I went for a walk and then to lunch. Upon my return I owed this "reputable business $1300, WTF?

Turned out that simple authorization I signed without reading was actually authorizing them to not only do the job I agreed to but "FOR MY SAFETY and THE GOOD OF MY VEHICLE, it authorized them to repair whatever the fok they felt was needed.

The redneck in me kicked in and the cops were called and long story short I owed the money, it was my fault and I should take my future business elsewhere.
Wal, you're only figuring this shit out at 47?



PS: Wal, dunno about anyone else but when I hear "the redneck in me kicked in" I would expect weapons to be drawn and hell raised, NOT calling the cops.

What kind of fucking "redneck" calls the cops?

Wal, were you castrated recently?
jaysus you've got to be kidding me! Do your own work on the car, not only will it save you in labor costs, but you will know it's done right and nothing else was tampered with. IMPO

The oil change wasn't the problem. The problem was he signed something he didn't read and got taken advantage of.

Was it his fault? Of course, but it also illustrates how some outfits do business, very shady and unethical.

I'm betting Wal will start reading the stuff he is asked to sign.

The form he signed said "fuck me, and fuck me good - you have my permission". He missed that part.

I rarely if ever sign anything just because I'm asked to. Definitely would read it before signing.

Then again I usually stand up to any salesman or manager that wants me to do something that benefits them more than me.
Plommer, you misunderstand, I didn't call the cops. I started getting more and more pissed and I guess loud and aggressive and one of the mechanics flagged in a cop from next door.

I wasn't gonna hit the guy but I sure was gonna make him think I would. I was pissed and I was somewhat embarrassed at it being legally my fault.

Steve/'s, tell Cammy to, STFU with the "do it yourself"! I don't have the equipment to charge my A/C system and while I was having that done the oil change was a convenience, the rest of the shit wasn't needed or instructed.
Plommer, you misunderstand, I didn't call the cops.

Yes, I misunderstood.

I'm sick of the shit businesses resort to to make a buck.

This is why I have no issue/problem being dishonest with them.

I bought a pair of Sony earbuds 6 weeks ago, the left side is dead, they are past the return date.
My solution? I'm going to buy another pair and return the broken ones in the new box for a refund.

fuck 'em.
that's fuk up wally, with those sales people that keep on i don't care if i look inpolite i just stop them right away, like plom almost never sign anything

I will sometimes tell them I charge a $50 service fee for providing my signature, it's my "policy".

Same thing with telephone surveys, they want me to answer a few questions?
Sure I'll answer as soon as they tell me what sum they will pay for providing my service.
This is after I ask them if they are getting paid for making this call, and they balk, and I remind them that they aren't working for free, why the fuck should I? Plommers time is worth money.

Exactly Saulty
nice edit.
Steve/'s, tell Cammy to, STFU with the "do it yourself"! I don't have the equipment to charge my A/C system and while I was having that done the oil change was a convenience, the rest of the shit wasn't needed or instructed.

Yeah she was in the wrong there I don't do that chit either. I went to bat for you here Wally the laughing stopped after the video.