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what's wrong Wallybear?

Get comfortable Nina.

My brain doesn't work!

1: I can't remember peoples names anymore. People I deal with on a regular basis even. Sometimes I just completely draw a blank on a persons name.

2: I don't pick up on things like I once did. When I was younger I was able to think my way through things. Maybe my approach was unconventional but eventually I would get to the right answer. Now, if it is something new to me not only can I not figure out a way that makes sense to me I have a hard time getting it if you walk me through it. Oh I might finally get it immediately after but next week there is a good chance I will have forgotten one or more critical steps.

3: I've lost my creativity as well. I was always able to distract myself with a multitude of things. I drew, I wrote, I crafted (not like knitting, more like woodworking) and now I don't do any of those things.

4: The order I'm listing this in matters little cause it should have probably been #1 only I forgot it till now but I need to get laid.

5: I'm (insert Charles Barkley) turrible with money. Like yesterday I went to Home Depot to buy a infrared temperature gun. I research various models and you can spend anywhere from $25 all the way to $600 depending on your needs and applications. All I needed was something that was quick simple and within proximity of accuracy. So Home Depot had a $45 Ryobi that was just fine for my needs and I go after work to get it. $350 later I was leaving Home Depot. Nina, I bought an air compressor cause.................FOK I can't even tell you why. I bought other small tools like a caliper. Guess what, turns out I have no FOK'n use for a caliper.

6: I'm short with people lately. I used to be one of the easy going guys around. Contrary to how I post sometimes I was always a nice guy to people I knew or people I just met. The past couple of years though I have slowly evolved into a complete asshole. Usually I start it out just kind of jokingly (like ol' Mr Grumpy) but then I before I know I almost convince myself that I don't like the person.

7: Out of the blue yesterday I thought to myself, I miss MudCat and Matty. That bothers me on so many levels. First, why do I miss them? Does my missing them make me a homo? Why would I miss those guys more than say a Bread or a Teela? Why would I fok'n miss contact from an online non-person period?

8: I'm pissed that my metabolism sucks so bad. I hate the fact that some schmuck can get a TV show traveling around the country living on bacon and if I have 3 strips I gain another ton.

9: My brain doesn't work anymore. I forget names and other stuff all the time.
Wal I can help with one of your problems.

I know Home Depot will allow you to return previously purchased items.

I like Anthony Bourdains, Adam Richmans and Andrew Zimmermans food shows.

I like the fact you think about and miss filthy foreigners like Mudcat and Matty (no homo).
7: Out of the blue yesterday I thought to myself, I miss MudCat and Matty. That bothers me on so many levels. First, why do I miss them? Does my missing them make me a homo? Why would I miss those guys more than say a Bread or a Teela? Why would I fok'n miss contact from an online non-person period?

you miss these "non-people" because as we cognitively realize they aren't in a physical sense, here with us, in a sort of emotion sense they are, they become friends, almost a sort of support group. It is human nature that after posting so long and I suppose, getting to know each other that you would miss them at some point if said relationship ended.
Wallybear, its ok hun. The whole memory thing happens to everyone at some point. You will find yourself back to your jolly self soon. I have no doubt about that. Plus its ok to miss Muddy and Matty. I may not post everyday but I do read to see what you fine non-peoples are up to cause I miss you too.
your weight x 15 - 500 = daily cal intake to begin losing fat with exercise...if you keep eating breads/chips/cookies/cokes/sugar , you arent getting there...and if you are somehow gaining weight without eating those, then your meat isnt lean enough and you are grossly overdoing your portions...

hydroxycut drink before breakfast and dinner will shoot your metabolism through the roof too...