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Christian Act?

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Sounds good. I am assuming Robyn is there with you. I can't go to a gay bar by myself unless I have a female with me. Don't want to waste a guy's time buying me drinks for nothing.

Oh wait...Maybe that's why you like going there? :bow:

LOL. I can say that I have never been to a gay bar by myself. Either with coworkers (our old boss was gay) or with Robyn or whoever.

I agree, going by myself...well that's just asking for troubles. Have you seen how good looking I am?
Bullshit. How many gay bars you been to?

One. Was totally by accident. I was just out of high school and I was looking for a job and I went in to apply for a job at a bar. When I got there and got inside I realized what I had walked into. They didn't hire me.

It wasn't a bar but this chick I was seeing in Jacksonville during one of my "Lost Weight" periods (she was the Tiger Eyes I told Teela about) had a whole passle of gay friends. These weren't your run of the mill average just gay guys, these were bonified FLAMERS. Until that point I would consider myself a homophobe but after that weekend and spending time with these guys I totally had my eyes opened and a world of acceptance opened up to me. From that weekend forward I became much more evolved as a person I think. I learned to not pre-judge simply because you don't understand something. Those gay guys made me a better person but they still didn't hit on me.
Now Ill admit I am not a Bible toting, testifying devout Christian but I was raised around the concept. My personal feelings on religion is, what ever gets you through your day, gives you hope and makes you be the best person you can be. That ideology is probably a wee bit naive but it works for me. I dont expect others to subscribe to my beliefs but if they do then thats cool.

I realize various religions have waged war since the beginning of time. I understand that each religion considers itself the True Religion and all others will come to judgment day and be in for a serious shocker but lets set all that aside for a minute.

I understand the hostility towards Muslims in general before 9/11 and certainly after. I dont personally agree that all Muslims are evil but I realize that people are people and hate is so easy to accept. I realize that just because I personally dont think that all races, religions of groups of people are evil just because some are.

Sorry, this is getting off track, let me get back to the question I wanted to ask.

We have a church here in Gainesville that is planning a Koran burning this weekend. A CHURCH is planning a Koran burning and it's being promoted on radio stations, not only promoted but actually done so in a positive light.

We are supposed to be a nation of Christian values, of forgiveness and understanding. Its understandable that what happened on 9/11 can never be forgotten and those actually responsible cant ever be forgiven (regardless if that is supposed to be the very foundation of Christianity) but how can so-called Christians and whats more Americans not only participate but initiate the burning of anothers Holly Scriptures?

I personally think building the Mosque on the proposed site is a bad idea. I do think it will be a constant reminder and even a slap in the face not only to those that lost their lives but to all those who will ever look back on that very tragic day. I do believe that in many regards that particular Mosque will always be viewed as a victory for current and future radical Muslims and serve as motivation in their hatred of the evils of America. Those are my beliefs and I cant change what I feel but it doesnt mean I am right. Just because its what I personally think is true doesnt give me the right to spit on an entire religion though. How could I consider myself a true Christian or a real American if I took part in the burning of another religions Bible?
opiate for the masses
its a pacifier
mmike, I figured someone would have gone that route with what I said long before now. Actually even though it wasn't so stipulated what I meant by whatever was more along the lines of ideology rather than an actual substance but it's semantics I guess.