Hooligans Sportsbook

Canada is Larger than China


There's a soccer tournament being played in Africa that through various iterations dates back to the 1920s, making it the oldest soccer tournament in the continent. It consist of only east African countries because of the difficulty to travel back then. The old British protectorate of Zanzibar gets to play like in the old days even though now it's part of Tanzania, which is also playing in the tournament. Official international FIFA tournament with two teams of the same country.
Silver fern is what that is. They got those in New Zealand, so I hear.

Pledging allegiance to the queen of England and whatnot. Union Jack in the flag. Fuck that is my general position on that.

We are in a similar long drawn-out transition in Canada too. We got rid of the Union Jack flag quite awhile back.

There was a situation in Canada recently where a guy from Israel was taking the citizenship pledge and he immediately rescinded the part about allegiance to the royal family of the UK. There actually is shit about that in our citizenship pledge. Like RIGHT NOW.

But dude sez, I had to say it to do it - but now I'm saying naw.

A lot of Canadians got all uppity and told him if he can't respect our traditions yada yada . . .

I'm more like, "Atta boy."