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Cali, When Did You Become Such A Bitch?

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Modern feminism has got it wrong about men

Today's feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists, says Natasha Devon

Earlier this year I was asked to present at a feminist society event in one of the UK's largest and most prestigious universities. I espoused the view that I must be really lucky, because if recent feminist musings in the press and online are to be believed, misogyny is absolutely rife, yet I have very rarely encountered it.

The Everyday Sexism movement is a fantastic idea - an opportunity for an open debate on the ways in which genders mindlessly form prejudices against each other. So why have its followers largely excluded men from the conversation?

"You can't be sexist towards men!" was a university student's response to this question at another debate I attended (she was studying feminism, by the way). Which is a bit like saying black people can't be racist.

In Britain in 2014, girls are entitled to the same education as boys, they can then go on to get any job they want and be paid the same as a man. Not only is this not true for millions of women throughout the world, it wasn't true for our foremothers. I'd much rather say to young women, "these rights were hard won. Go and make the most of them" than "no wonder you can't fulfil your potential! Men whistle at you and there are boobies in the newspaper, you poor helpless little things".

Today's feminism teaches British women to see themselves as victims and victims cannot exist without a villain, in this instance men. In order for this thesis to have any kind of logic, feminists have made sweeping, inaccurate judgments about an entire demographic, based on nothing more than their gender. Ironically, the exact practice they claim to be fighting.

Gender equality requires co-operation on all sides. As a humanist, I'd like to see today's feminists give men a bit more credit - they might just be surprised.
This is my opinion and I'm certainly not the spokesperson for feminism:

Yes, some people go over the top with "hating on" the other gender. The entire point of feminism (not RADICAL feminism) is that everyone should be treated equally and respectfully. Does that mean that I want to take a job doing tough physical labor? No. *I* am not built for that type of job. That does not mean that other women are not. There are plenty of women out there that are made of far tougher stuff than I am (and more than some men).

I was raised in a "conventional/traditional" home with a stay-at-home mother and a father that worked. I could not do that. It's just not in the cards for me. Staying at home with the kids is not a strength of mine, which I'm made to feel guilty for because that should be in my "gender role." That doesn't mean that I don't love them, but Jesus take the wheel - they're wild and I'll end up an alcoholic if I don't get a break by going to work.

Some feminists really go hard on men in terms of holding them accountable for perceived wrongdoings, whether it's by way of the individual or the gender. I can't say that's right or wrong - it's subjective.
Man made the rules for a long time, and still make the vast majority of decisions. They created a culture where people are foked, especially women. So lets not forget the bigger picture. Same thing when people talk about race. Feminism to me, is a struggle against an unjust system for the benefit of everybody. Not the day to day headbutting(?) between the sexes.
To harp on the notion how the women are awful while at the same time devising a strategy of how to trick them into loving you is :retarded:
Man made the rules for a long time, and still make the vast majority of decisions.

As they should. Women are horrible leaders, much too emotional and not logical enough.

Feminism to me, is a struggle against an unjust system for the benefit of everybody. Not the day to day headbutting(?) between the sexes.
It may be that to you but it is no longer about equality to feminists, they seek superiority.
Thankfully the number of women that identify as feminists these days is not great.

To harp on the notion how the women are awful while at the same time devising a strategy of how to trick them into loving you is :retarded:

What the fuck are you talking about? Reno I like you but you make no sense here pal.
Thanks for the contribution Freefall! Looking forward to your next post in a few months!!

Blitty I've been hanging out with burners this year. Internet is fucking stupid.

Casper, my man. In the words of a frigid ice queen, who you would likely conclude is a sexist feminist for not conforming to social norms or allowing a man to dictate her life...

Calling me a bitch is like calling the sky blue. it is, what it is my friend. I think we established my bitchiness on here long ago, my sweets.

What feminism has taught women is that all environments must suit women, and that if they don't suit women, it is the environment that must change. Never should the woman have to adapt to the existing environment she wishes to enter. The environment, and the people already in it and who function well there, must adapt themselves to suit her level of comfort.

I actually dumped Cami for YOU you fat idiot. I wanted fat lard ass all over me. Chicken grease sweat. Yes now. I thought metaphorically we could be a couple of chicken wings basking in the sun in your overflowing fat result grease sweat. That was BEFORE I found out you're a scammer. Now I don't trust you.


So now you're out of luck, I was your BEST CHANCE.

Fuck. What a disappointment.

This is my opinion and I'm certainly not the spokesperson for feminism:

Yes, some people go over the top with "hating on" the other gender. The entire point of feminism (not RADICAL feminism) is that everyone should be treated equally and respectfully. Does that mean that I want to take a job doing tough physical labor? No. *I* am not built for that type of job. That does not mean that other women are not. There are plenty of women out there that are made of far tougher stuff than I am (and more than some men).

I was raised in a "conventional/traditional" home with a stay-at-home mother and a father that worked. I could not do that. It's just not in the cards for me. Staying at home with the kids is not a strength of mine, which I'm made to feel guilty for because that should be in my "gender role." That doesn't mean that I don't love them, but Jesus take the wheel - they're wild and I'll end up an alcoholic if I don't get a break by going to work.

Some feminists really go hard on men in terms of holding them accountable for perceived wrongdoings, whether it's by way of the individual or the gender. I can't say that's right or wrong - it's subjective.

Teela you in part helped Plommer scam by supporting his cause and you continue to do it. He's like hey, a pretty and cool woman likes me and is in my corner! I can use that to look like there's something cool about me to people so I can beg for money and get someone else to pay it back!

Do better.

Have more respect for the actual good people and non scammers on forums and in life in general.

In case you don't remember thieves are the bad guys. How would you feel if Plommer took your kid's lunch? He's not agile to pull that off or even close but when they're old enough to hit the internet he could somehow not have passed in his own blubber yet and take from them too.

You're a smart person. Not sure how you missed that.

I wish you'd stopping missing that.