That was quite an interesting and insightful read. Cali has shown me that misogyny and sexism is the route to go. No need to be caring or level headed. It's obvious the feminist movement doesn't care about how men think or feel. They only care about their sexist agenda.
When women make demands men must just do it. When men make demands, they are misogynists.
Why can men not express their anger and frustration?
Men have been quiet for so long that when they do express their feelings it is a shock to men and women alike.
We are used to women complaining while the men drink their troubles away in silent contemplation.
For years
feminists have been saying men should open up more. Ironically,
when they discovered how men felt they told them to be quiet.
When men tell women that women get privileges men don't and that feminism is fighting for more privilege, they don't get it.
Feminists want some ideal state where women don't suffer at all but not even men got that far.
When you point out the hypocrisy of how women tend to blame men for their poor choices, how men are treated as guilty before being proven innocent when it comes to sexual crimes and how women are given the benefit of the doubt, they get angry because they refuse to see it.
They think men want to set women back decades but it is not true.
Women are supposed to be responsible, empowered, adults, but all the feminists do is make demands from men, instead of taking responsibility for their choices.
Not enough women CEOs? Men, give up your positions.
We (women) won't start our own companies, it's just too much effort.
Too much crime? Men, it's your fault we're being victimised.
Please watch this indoctrination video about how you are complicit in this despite having never victimised anyone before.
Women aren't choosing STEM enough? It must be men making it harder for them to get in or stay in.
It's probably also conditioning when they were kids, but let's ignore how these stereotypes benefit women when it comes to things like custody and sentencing for crimes they committed. Nope, no balance needed there at all.
It's never the woman's fault that maybe she just couldn't cut it because the STEM industry is incredibly competitive, there's little time for a personal life and the degree is very difficult to achieve.
Never mind the men who might also find it rough to work under those conditions. They cannot complain that it is a "hostile" environment because - and here's a key piece of information - they're probably not having the time of their lives either!
It's probably just as hard for him because that's how STEM fields are. But feminists insist women are being unfairly targeted and that the workplace should be made nicer just for them.