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Cali, When Did You Become Such A Bitch?

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Casper, my man. In the words of a frigid ice queen, who you would likely conclude is a sexist feminist for not conforming to social norms or allowing a man to dictate her life...
Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men

When you give a female unlimited choice on which man to have sex with, what type of man does she choose? An exciting man who treats her poorly and does not care for her well-being.

When you give a female choice on what to study in university, what does she choose? An easy liberal arts major that costs over $50,000 and dooms her to a life of debt and sporadic employment.

When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue? Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.

When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do? After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood shell pass on genetic defects to her child.

When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for? The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.

When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do? Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.

When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result? A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.

While a woman is in no doubt possession of crafty intelligence that allows her to survive just as well as a man, mostly through the use of her sexuality and wiles, she is a slave to the present moment and therefore unable to make decisions that benefit her future and those of the society shes a part of. Once you give a woman personal freedom, like we have in the Western world, she enslaves herself to one of numerous vices and undertakes a rampage of destruction to her body and those who want to be a meaningful part of her life.

A man does not need to look further than the women he knows, including those in his family, to see that the more freedom a woman was given, the worse off she is, while the woman who was under the heavy hand of the church or male relative comes out far better on the other side, in spite of her rumblings that she wants to be as free as her liberated friends, who eagerly and regularly post soft porn photos of themselves on social networking and dating sites while selecting random anonymous men for fornication every other weekend.

Men, on average, make better decisions than women. If you take this to be true, which should be no harder to accept than the claim that lemons are sour, why is a woman allowed to make decisions at all without first getting approval from a man who is more rational and levelheaded than she is?

It not only hurts the woman making decisions concerning her life, but it also hurts any man who will associate with her in the future. You only need to ask the many suffering husbands today on how they are dealing with a wife who entered the marriage with a student loan debt in the high five figures from studying sociology and how her wildly promiscuous sexual history impairs her ability to remain a dedicated mother, with one foot already out the door after he makes a reasonable demand that is essential for a stable home and strong family.

That was quite an interesting and insightful read. Cali has shown me that misogyny and sexism is the route to go. No need to be caring or level headed. It's obvious the feminist movement doesn't care about how men think or feel. They only care about their sexist agenda.
That was quite an interesting and insightful read. Cali has shown me that misogyny and sexism is the route to go. No need to be caring or level headed. It's obvious the feminist movement doesn't care about how men think or feel. They only care about their sexist agenda.

no it wasn't. Plommer just trying to make sure that no women post at gamelive. Why? I have no idea
That was quite an interesting and insightful read. Cali has shown me that misogyny and sexism is the route to go. No need to be caring or level headed. It's obvious the feminist movement doesn't care about how men think or feel. They only care about their sexist agenda.

When women make demands men must just do it. When men make demands, they are misogynists.

Why can men not express their anger and frustration?
Men have been quiet for so long that when they do express their feelings it is a shock to men and women alike.

We are used to women complaining while the men drink their troubles away in silent contemplation.

For years feminists have been saying men should open up more. Ironically, when they discovered how men felt they told them to be quiet.

When men tell women that women get privileges men don't and that feminism is fighting for more privilege, they don't get it.

Feminists want some ideal state where women don't suffer at all but not even men got that far.

When you point out the hypocrisy of how women tend to blame men for their poor choices, how men are treated as guilty before being proven innocent when it comes to sexual crimes and how women are given the benefit of the doubt, they get angry because they refuse to see it.

They think men want to set women back decades but it is not true.

Women are supposed to be responsible, empowered, adults, but all the feminists do is make demands from men, instead of taking responsibility for their choices.

Not enough women CEOs? Men, give up your positions.

We (women) won't start our own companies, it's just too much effort.

Too much crime? Men, it's your fault we're being victimised.
Please watch this indoctrination video about how you are complicit in this despite having never victimised anyone before.

Women aren't choosing STEM enough? It must be men making it harder for them to get in or stay in.

It's probably also conditioning when they were kids, but let's ignore how these stereotypes benefit women when it comes to things like custody and sentencing for crimes they committed. Nope, no balance needed there at all.

It's never the woman's fault that maybe she just couldn't cut it because the STEM industry is incredibly competitive, there's little time for a personal life and the degree is very difficult to achieve.

Never mind the men who might also find it rough to work under those conditions. They cannot complain that it is a "hostile" environment because - and here's a key piece of information - they're probably not having the time of their lives either!

It's probably just as hard for him because that's how STEM fields are. But feminists insist women are being unfairly targeted and that the workplace should be made nicer just for them.
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no it wasn't. Plommer just trying to make sure that no women post at gamelive. Why? I have no idea

This. It's because he enjoys the negativity in my opinion.

All I really have to say about that except not for me and I view it as a sad thing to look away from because I prefer to enjoy my day.
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Women have done many things throughout history (mostly domestic tasks and child bearing, but those are useful).

Feminists have done jack shit except demand more.

Do you dispute the notion that men do the farming? The truck driving? The livestock raising and butchering? The drilling for natural gas? The laying of pipes? The design and manufacture of appliances? Do you think that those men were somehow inspired to do this by feminism?

That's the point of this analogy. (I cannot believe I am having to explain this to you, but I suppose there is no obtuseness like that of a man who does not want to understand.)

Feminism demands support from men in general, because feminists, on their own, have nothing... because they produce nothing. So they need men. Men like me (and billions of others like me), who actually make useful shit.

That's the reason that men, in the past, owned everything. Because they fucking built it. When feminists want things, they have a choice. They can build something themselves, or they can ask men for. And they clearly have chosen.

Anyway, feminism clearly wants my support. In the form of money, time, votes, and so on. It has asked often enough.
So I ask what it plans to do for me in return. So far the answer has been a resounding "WE OWE YOU NOTHING, CISHETDUDEBRO SCUM!". So my answer is, well, include me out.

But of course, it goes further than that. Feminism doesn't just offer nothing to men, it fucks things up for men. Not because it is targeting them precisely, but because it is out to grab as much power as possible, and anything that happens to men as a result is considered an acceptable level of collateral damage.

Blame-shifting exercises like "the patriarchy hurts men too" are used by feminism to avoid taking responsibility for the damage it has caused.

We need to clean up the messes feminism created in the lives of ordinary men
Men do 99.99...% of the labour that keep us all from starving or freezing to death. We all know this. Even feminists know it. They just want to avoid focusing on it wherever possible.

This is why feminism needs the cooperation of men. Feminism is, at its core, a submissive philosophy. Surprising statement? Perhaps.

But it is an act of submission to turn to someone else and say "This is unfair to me. Fix it." By doing so, you make them Daddy. You make them the authority who administers justice and takes care of you. You submit to them. And that is what feminism has done, with all it's demands for what it defines as justice. It pretends to loathe what it calls the patriarchy, but it is totally dependent upon it for everything it has achieved.

It didn't have to be that way.

Instead of saying "You should hire X percentage of women in your company", a non-submissive feminism would have said, "we are going to start our own companies, hire women, and compete with you".

Instead of saying "You shouldn't portray women this way in your video games and movies", a non-submissive feminism would have said "we are going to make our own games and movies, filled with the characters we wish to see".

Instead of saying "What are you doing to get more women in STEM?", a non-submissive feminism would have said "Libraries are full of computer science books. We are going to crack them and learn to code."

Instead of saying "You must arrest the man in any domestic dispute, regardless of the evidence", a non-submissive feminism would have said "we are going to help other women leave troubled relationships, and support themselves".

Instead of saying "You must pass affirmative consent laws to protect me from unwanted sex", a non-submissive feminism would have said "we are going to protect ourselves from sketchy people by not getting drunk with them".

Instead of saying "You must track down the men we used as sperm donors, with or without their consent, and take money from them to help us raise our children", a non-submissive feminism would have said "we will use birth control methods, and if we decide to be single mothers, we will foot the bill our damn selves".

Instead of saying "Where's my free pizza?", a non-submissive feminism would have said "Hmmm, let's see: Chapter one: Planting Wheat..."

You see, freedom, power, and self-determination are not things others can just give you. They are consequences of taking responsibility for your own life. If someone wants to create a feminism like that, it's not so much that they can have my blessing as that, more importantly, they will not need it. A non-submissive feminism could do anything it needed to do without my help, or any man's help. It would neither ask nor even accept anything from me.

This is why we say that all women are children. Because "You owe me this because I need it", and "You owe me this because it's fair" are the statements of a child, and anyone who says them is not an adult.

An adult says, instead, "I desire this from you. What do you want in exchange?" or "I desire this from you, and I offer that. Is this acceptable?" or even, in cases of the utmost extremity "I need this from you, and have little to offer. You owe me nothing... I merely ask for your charity, and offer my gratitude.".

An adult knows that he is only owed what he has earned with his actions.

This is why I say "If feminism does not care about me, I do not care about feminism".
no it wasn't. Plommer just trying to make sure that no women post at gamelive. Why? I have no idea

You give me too much credit, pal. I am not that powerful.

I just enjoy posting interesting things I've found online. Women are strong, just like men right?
Well then they can't be intimidated by information then can they?

No one is going anywhere.

When a woman posts feminist nonsense at gamelive I will post information in response.
If a broad expects what she says to be gospel just because you know, vagina then I'll have something to say.

If there was no feminist propaganda being posted here I would have no reason to post information that discredits it.

If Cali wants to run her yapper with feminist bullshit then plommer will run his yapper and bury her.
Plommy, do you believe this as an absolute?

No, not at all.

It applies often though and I believe all women are capable depending on the situation/factors. I think I have clearly stated on more than a few occasions that these things do not apply to 100% of women 100% of the time.

I am aware that there are many women that have the ability to over-ride their predisposition to the behaviours I've mentioned.
The more intelligence a woman has the better she is equipped to understand and more likely to modify her behaviour. Age also is a factor.

I believe most of the information I have posted applies mainly to young attractive women that aren't highly intelligent.

I've had a number of women agree with much of what has been posted, including a message from one woman who said she was furious with the article I posted about women needing men to make decisions for women until she read it and saw herself described in the article.

I do believe EVERYTHING I post regarding modern feminism to be accurate.

Modern feminism is a hate group.

See below:
Feminism Is a Hate Group

When some of the most prominent feminists and famous women make openly hateful anti-male statements, and the mainstream feminist organizations say and do nothing to distance themselves from such public statements, then its clear that the hatred of men has an accepted place in mainstream feminism.

Does this seem like a harsh assessment of feminism? Perhaps.

Is it true? Absolutely.

One of the main problems with feminism is that it exploits the legitimate claims of equal rights as a cloak to usher in its divisive, hateful and neurotic interests. Interests that are plainly anti-male and not at all about equal rights.

For example, here are some quotes from famous feminists.

  • I feel that man-hating is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor

  • To call a man an animal is to flatter him; hes a machine, a walking dildo. - Valerie Solanas

  • I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin

  • Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear Susan Brownmiller

  • The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men. Sharon Stone

  • In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent. Catherine MacKinnon

  • The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. Sally Miller Gearhart

  • Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience. Catherine Comins

  • All men are rapists and thats all they are Marilyn French

  • Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release. Germaine Greer.

The quotations above are from Kelly Macs blog. Kelly is a woman against feminism because of its anti-male agenda. You can read more of Kelly Macs blog at http://awomanagainstfeminism.blogspot.com/

Kelly sums it up nicely:

If youre going to say feminism is not a man-hating movement, Im going to have to insist that you provide links either to sites showing feminists condemning the statements listed above, or feminists telling women to respect men as men.