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Breaking Bad

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Sorry, Ray but...........


The main reason this show is successful is great writing.

No one gives a shit about a drug themed show if the writing/acting/production is shitty.


lolz,dafty...some of the acting is great and some isnt... the target audience and statistics on the age of viewers screams a much different story ... ill look for the article i am basing that off of...its a few years old

cmon matty... the stupid magnet shit at the police station... the truck stop on the bridge with the liquid theft... pinkman throwin money away, etc... the writing has been fucking mickey mouse brutal this season... seasons before, no, but this season has been a waste of time... just my opinion... last night was a good ep. i hope it continues
Just watched it. Outfokkenstanding. How could you have been bored by that! Classic BB, heavy & tense as all fok!

I did not expect Walt and Hank to confront each other that quickly. Oh man. Dean Norris is a motherfokken boss actor. :bowdown:
First 5 minutes = great (love the flashes forward)

Last 5 minutes = great

Everything in between = blah

Skylar is reaching Carmella Soprano level annoying. Writers have no clue what to do with Jesse (hey, let's just make him really depressed again like right after Jane died).

But man, Hank v Heisenberg at the end was classic (also great touch with the kid in the background with the RC car - Marie ran over the same kid's toy a few seasons back and Hank gave him money for a new one. It's little details like this that make the show so great).

If Badger ever talks again for 5 minutes straight I am changing the channel.
WAtched last night. Great call on the car. I noticed it as well and it seemed familiar but I forgot that scene. I certainly thought they would play out the "I know but you know that I know but we pretend you dont know that I know" until the final episode which would culminate in some massive encounter.

"If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly."

I yelled and banged my fist on my crappy sofa bed when he said that. What balls. From the meek beta male brother-in-law to a veiled death threat like that. Holy shit.

Also liked when Marie said jokingly "You are the devil!" :lol:

That episode totally did it for me. You get the sense that they need to close the story at a quicker pace than they'd like to, so they must rely heavily on the acting (Cranston and Norris are out of this world!) but my oh my do they seem to be headed the right way. Apocalypse Now.
The Star Trek pie-eating contest scene was hilarious. And Jesse's rightfully messed up by all the bloodshed.

Common nigga.
Sure. But so messed up he's throwing money out of his car? Just silly. How about listening to Mike's advice and getting far away?

There's really nowhere to go with the Jesse character until he completely turns on Walt. Maybe even helps Hank take down Heisenberg (I'm assuming that's where this is headed).