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Boys I need chick advice

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Pally, if she is into painting people then chances are she’s more inclined to go for the loving, tender and romantic approach, so traditional flower, opening her door being a true gentleman is the way to go.

If she is into painting landscapes and animals then the rugged outdoorsy approach is called for. You still need to be somewhat gentlemanly but in more of an obscure way.

If she is into abstract paintings then all bets are off. One minute she will want you to be all soft and gentle and the next she will be going off cause you aren’t manly enough. Abstract artist live in a world of their own and the very minute they even think they are being predictable they turn a switch.
pally, seriously, don't be a puss about this. she is not looking for flowers/long walks/sensitive shit. she wants you to appreciate her art. compliment it, critique it, then compliment it. be the rouge guy. the with some danger, a story. be witty, tell stories.

then steve(s) it and close it.
Kato you are right. I will tell you the short version.

I was gonna come in here and say I'm too busy to tell it, but I got a third wind, I will tell the short version.

So I went to her art show on Tuesday August 3rd, friend of a friend. Actually had an easy excuse for going, introducing myself to her on facebook. Wasn't going other than it was something to do. I knew she was hot but know I'm bad with women, assumed nothing would come of it.

The beginning started out COMEDICALLY awful, I will tell that part. I was there with a female friend and her male friend from Turkey. As soon as we walk in, my female friend says to me "go talk to her NOW. Don't even think about it. Just do it. GO! I know how you are. GO!" Normally that would be good advice. I see her talking to talking to one other person, so I march right up to her. She gives me a sideways glance, completely ignores me, the other woman ignores me too. So I play it cool, act like I belong there, wait for her to look over, she never does. Now it's getting REALLY uncomfortable. They are having an intense convo, I'm standing there like a TOOL, getting totally ignored for what seems like an eternity. That's when I realized, she was being INTERVIEWED by the other chick. I beckon my friend and squirm away like a total tool. I had just marched right up and barged in on their interview. Unreal.

Anyway, to make a long story short, it turned out she was really nice. She came up to me later, said "are you pally?" I was like "yeah, so sorry I barged in on that interview".

Anyway to make a long story short, she talked to me a lot, mostly because the people I knew her through are people she "likes a lot" so she assumed I was good people, etc etc. I was telling her about how much they like me, etc etc, it was working. I met her friends, got along well with them, her family was there, it was going well. Then they all wanted to go hang out somewhere after. It basically kept going better and better.

So we wind up hanging out with the Turkish guy, a few of her friends, it was good. We got in a car and drove to one of the cool bars here. She's being super nice to me. As we're going in, she says "so pally, you're awesome" and boys at that point my entire being was filled with elation. The best feeling I have had maybe since 2004 or 2003, I don't remember when. So I said to her my standard response to those kinds of compliments which I still think is super funny, I go "I know, that's what I keep fuckin trying to tell everyone, no one fuckin believes me" you need to hear me deliver it but trust me it is funny. So she laughs and everything's going great.

Then in the bar, she says "pally come sit down" and that's when I may have blown it. I should have gone and sat right up close next to her at the bar. But instead, I sat next to her, but with space. We talked, it was fine, then I started talking to the Turkish guy on my other side. Her friend came in in the space at the bar between us. And I had missed a chance. We all went back to her house, hung out there for a while, puffed some ish, and then when my friend and the Turkish guy were leaving and asked if I wanted to go I said sure. At that point it was late, everyone was leaving.

I still thought I would be ok. The next morning she emailed me with some info she said she would email me with, at like 10 AM. I carefully composed each email response to her over the course of the day as we emailed, each one went over well. She was giving great signs, saying I'm sweet, etc etc. I said I have no one to travel with, she said she'd travel with me. I sent her my number, 5 mins later she texted me with hers. That was Wednesday.

Keep in mind of course, there's been no OVERT indications that she wants to be my GF, just strong circumstantial evidence. If she just wanted to be really friendly to a guy who is friends with her friends, she might act exactly the same way.

So then I was really busy Thursday, didn't email her. Then, I sent her an email on Friday, mentioning a few things, and also writing - "What are you up to this weekend? Do you have any plans? If you are around and want to do something fun with me, let's hang out!"

DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME FOR THAT you AS*HOLES! Yeah it's a little weak, ok? THATS WHY IM FUKIN ASKING YOU FOR ADVICE! And in general, I was doing well with this chick, writing funny as* emails and everything.

So that was Friday, and I haven't heard from her since. She's been on facebook numerous times since then.

So what do you think? Did I blow it? Did I never have a chance in the first place? What, if anything, should my next move be? I was told by one girl I know that I blew it on Tuesday, and that i shouldn't email her again unless she responds to my last one.

And if I do contact her again, should I be super forward and mention the word "date" or should I use the lesser term "go out" or the very ambiguous "hang out"? What should I do?
wait a bit longer to contact her again. you may have blown it on tuesday but not to the point that you cannot recover from. it just will require time. give it a few more days and text her this friday or something.

dont be super forward and mention the term date. use hang out to start with (ambiguous is good)
Pally, I get a lot of messages on fb and quite often I will go back and realize there is a message in there that I didn't even see. Maybe send a text to her and tell her to check her fb messages. There is nothing wrong with you asking her out via email.
Pally, your above post is the story of my life. We as males are too primitive to play these complex mind games. There is no logic in this bullshit chicks pull. After my first week in NYC I have already resorted to Internet dating (I think I have a good lead going so far). I see beautiful women everywhere, yet I am incapable of engaging them. Deep down inside I hope you get fired, so you will come back to ny and be my wingman. Sorry. Call me.