Hooligans Sportsbook

Blitty, you Fuck

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RJ, I already apologized for that I got there late and missed your love connection. Will you ever forgive me carnilito?

Taco def made his own decision and I owe him one. Only him and I know what really happened.
RJ, I already apologized for that I got there late and missed your love connection. Will you ever forgive me carnilito?

Taco def made his own decision and I owe him one. Only him and I know what really happened.

Common pretty boy, lets hear the story. Potato is telling shitty stories tonight maybe yours is a good one.
Some Google image searches for "161 Posse."

Blitty you in a heap of trouble!!!













Casper why did you delete me on Facebook???? :dunno:

OK I read this entire thread and my only question is:

What in the heck is going on in this picture? I am disturbed because that is a good, regulation net, set up perfectly. Why would people take the time to set that up, which isn't easy, to get on their knees on the sand? That looks like a pre-2006 regulation Wilson AVP Beach Ball too, roughly a $70 purchase. Crazy.
lol great pics

Steve I'm guessing those women lost a match to those guys and the bet was they had to do the "we aren't worthy" thing on their knees....

either that or they are like "cheerleading" for their husbands...

looks like the husbands are plotting some strategy...