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Blitty, you Fuck

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Dude, give it a rest. Maybe if you just stopped hitting on girls that didn't like you and stuck with the ones that did, you would be happier. You seem like a smart guy, but you come across like a major douche. Chill. Besides, I don't like being mistaken for you.

Lol, you wont be on here in a month. Just another useless wannabe. I have staying power. As far as girls. I see how you post.
I think it was over for caspy and cali before the homeless revelation....... so that is really a non issue

Blitty could have been a wing man. he chose to be a cock blocker. He would ask me if it was alright to talk to Cali. She would text me telling me she had no interest in him. It was all a fucking lie. It's fine. I will see him soon enough. I am bringing the 161 street posse. Blitty, I hope you like apples.
Blitty could have been a wing man. he chose to be a cock blocker. He would ask me if it was alright to talk to Cali. She would text me telling me she had no interest in him. It was all a fucking lie. It's fine. I will see him soon enough. I am bringing the 161 street posse. Blitty, I hope you like apples.


egregious maybe....

but next time you meet an internet hussy....

dont invite her to your favorite gambling forum......

lets at least learn that lesson.....

that way we have learned two lessons.... blitty is a slimey and opportunistic penis driven man..... and its bad to invite chicks you REALLY like to gambling forums....... lesson 3.... I could eat grapenuts off fivers puckered butthole