Hooligans Sportsbook

Ask Vegas Dave

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For some reason, Bill and John love to be so secretive about their moves.

Dave, do you know that Bill said that he gave you a month notice?

I didn't, but it doesn't shock me. I saw one thread where Bill was talking about why I'd been fired because I "didn't care" or something.

Like I said, I don't disagree with my being fired. After shooting down enough of my ideas and suggestions and turning generally cold towards me, and then taking away my video studio, I started going to work and keeping my mouth shut.

I mean I "didn't care", but when I was hired I was promised the back office as a video studio. When they hired Sam (who's a good dude), they gave him that back office to run points and storage. So I officially had nowhere left to do videos at work. Going in 9 hours a day, have to keep to myself, and don't have the resources to do videos. Not sure where I was given the chance to succeed in that set up; but then again, they'd likely already decided to fire me before then. Maybe the month notice just got lost in the mail.
how was your relationship with Willie in the end Dave? did you get the chance to say goodbye to anyone after the firing? did anyone reach out to you to say goodbye?

just can't wrap my mind around how cold and sudden of a move they made

I actually called Willie and told him the day it happened (he'd already gone home), and he was bummed. Willie was a really good friend to me the whole time I was there, including after I was fired. We grabbed beers on multiple occasions before I moved back out here. He's a good man. That's what makes the "Willie Bee got VD fired" rumors so LOL-funny.

Neither could I... I mean relocating 1500 miles only to be fired 7 months later with no warning/talk/etc, you might expect something like that from a mega-corporation, but I wasn't just a number to these people. It was a very small office, small company. Why ask me to move out if I'm not going to get a fair shake?
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Of course there are, fiver. They are lucky that they escaped unscathed. If Dave were like 95% of lawsuit hungry Americans, he could have gotten something out of it. If anything, it would be good practice for them to offer a severance package to hopefully ward off any potential unlawful discharge suits. Remember folks...compared to the employee, the employer has to go out of their way to prove their case. From an HR standpoint, unless gross misconduct was involved, they should have proceeded differently.
Vags.....Did you ever see S*RJohn's cock? And if so, was this head attached to it? I bet it was.

It makes me wonder if disgruntled ex-employees were behind the denial of service attacks they were forced to fend off.

Perhaps it was this guy:


The sole purpose of XXXinfo.com is to expose the truth behind XXX, both its websites and its owner/CEO. Detailed information will be posted in blog form on this site from time to time.

I’m a disgruntled former employee of XXX. The owner/CEO enticed me to move my family, not once, but twice within a 6-month span in order to better serve his interests as the biggest sportsbook agent in XXXX. The last of the 2 moves was from a brand new home here in the States to a foreign country, with the promise of an escalating compensation package over the course of the following 3 years. That compensation package was the ultimate deciding factor in making the tough decision to uproot my family for the second time in 6 months.

However, upon completing the first year in the foreign country, and after making many sacrifices and tough decisions that affected (and continue to affect) my family, this shit bag had the audacity to completely ignore his previous promises of compensation, changing the entire bonus structure such that he effectively pocketed an additional $25 to $40k per year per manager; AND, effectively robbing me and my family of the compensation he had used as a “carrot” to entice us to make the move.

So … I’m pissed to say the least. XXXinfo.com serves as my outlet to vent my frustrations as well as a venue for exposing the **** stick who owns and operates XXXX’ biggest sportsbook agent/affiliate operation. Stay tuned.