Quick Clarification:
I'm not a big fan of these "Disgruntled Employee Tells All" type of threads. I'd like to consider myself a person of some integrity. As you saw in my RBS sign-off thread, despite the fact that I felt immensely disrespected, I was polite and respectful in leaving the board.
The only reason I'm doing this now is because I saw a few months after I was gone that both Bill and John were engaging in publicly answering questions about my firing (with some falsities), and disrespecting me knowing full well that I hadn't done so to them publicly and that I wasn't around to defend myself.
It was bad enough to disrespect me behind closed doors. Again, for clarification's sake, I'm not upset with being fired. I'm upset with HOW I was fired. First, no warning/talks/advice/etc. Second, instead of just saying "Sorry it didn't work out, we thought it would be different, etc" it was "This is your fault you are getting fired, you didn't take initiative, you didn't make good use of your time, etc.", then why wasn't I given clearer instructions on what to do? And then the no severance + taking the $1250 back...
That wasn't enough, I need to be disrespected and have my work ethic and integrity brought into question publicly on the boards, too?