I'll tell you how to make me temporarily not-so-pleasant. Make me phone a number to activate a replacement credit card, then start hitting me with telemarketing.
I guess they think they found a loophole and now I'm going to actually consider the telemarketer - because I'm kind of stuck on the phone and I can't just do my usual pleasant, "Pass thanks," and hang up. But no - I see no loophole - that's still a telemarketer.
He goes into a shpiel. Mudcat interrupts after a short time, "Is the card activated yet?"
"No, not yet." Goes back into shpiel. At some point he fnally winds down and asks if I'm interested in whatever-it-is.
"Is it activated yet?"
"No, not yet. Are you interested in [whatever]?"
"I called to activate my card. Is it done yet?"
"Are you declining [whatever-it-is]? I need to put you down for something."
"Don't care. I just called to activate the card. Is it done yet?"
It was not particularly pleasant.