Great HH drinks and meal here at Deep Lagoon for me 100% though MrsM didn't take the bartender's advice on entree selection. Nice place that was less busy this time of year with a view! Big with coming to FLA was taking in views as often as possible.

Hogfish prepared in white wine, garlic, pine nuts, tomato & basil. Served with butter whipped mashed potatoes & steamed broccoli.
Sauteed Fresh Black grouper served over a bed of jasmine rice. Topped with fresh hand-picked lump crab meat, hollandaise sauce, asparagus & bell pepper confetti.
No pic for MrsM cause looked light on the crab resembling close to nothing lol though it was good. Mine is below and well worth it though we don't go to places like this much, still possibly would go with the same. Though next time MrsM said let's get couple appetizers and cash in on the drinks!
And the $15 martinis were only $8. Bartender I imagine would be like you
@CASPERWAIT$ knowing his stuff and excellent at conversing. Told him I not a straight/dirty martini person (MrsM is more so) but having a sweet tooth though not one of those choc/cream/amaretto ones,
Can't remember name but immediately said this one. Told us sweet side but really has kick to it. Bartender added plenty of booze to our same drinks.

As thirsty as I was took a sip and yes told him sweet, then took took much of a second sip and it kicked for sure. He looked at me and smile. Probably shouldn't have since going beer at dinner table but had to have another. Nothing like having free uber available.
I don't mind much eating at bar when not crowded though MrsM prefers table. Though almost always anymore we at least get a drink at the bar. IMO get a good bartender who will converse back and forth with you, my experience more times than not, just might just get an extra pour in your mixed drinks considering he/she/it is getting tipped directly from you.