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A deep philosophical question

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wouldn't really care how bad the life was id live it again.

As far as me im living very happy right now. Things cud b better things could be worse but i wouldnt change a thing. Ive made some bad decisions in life that i need to learn from but overall id live it over and wouldnt change a thing.
Count me out on the replay, one time around the dancefloor is plenty for me. I hope there's something more than nothingness after death, but even the nothingness would be okay.

:clap: this statement makes me feel better about things.
I really don't care to do things over again in the same way. Pretty fucking pointless. Why the fuck would you want to fight the same fight over and over again.
In the words of Garth Brooks

"I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance."

Do it all over again.

Yeah but at the same time you wouldn't know you ever danced. Sort of like this proposition, "you can come back whatever you want in you next life but you will have no memory (no memory of your current set of friends or your family) would you do it. Great question but ultimately meaningless.

I sometimes bring the subject up to clients, life, if they found out that life was just a cycle...that they would just live the same life over and over again....would they be happy?

All say no and then we talk about what they could do from here on out to be a bit more happier. Without risking sounding like Dr. Phil....this is your movie and your the Director...don't suck.
Inner, looking back at all the highs and lows so far and knowing that is can always get worsee before it gets better, I still say the joys outweigh the pains by a ginormous margin. And even if they didn't, I would never pass up a chance to experience those joys again. Can you not tell I am a glass half full kinda gal?
Most of the responses here seem strange to me. What am I missing?

The question isn't whether you've had an enjoyable life, but whether you would want to repeat the same EXACT thing over again. Life is always developing, progressing, overcoming shit. Why would anybody want to start at square one again? Without even the chance to do anything differently.
1. I could see my grandparents again.
2. Experience the joy of my nephews being born.
3. Experience the joy the falling in love and even the agony of heartbreak.
4. Getting to be an only child for a couple of years. (I like to tell the siblings those were the happiest years of my life)

There are more but for time's sake I will stop here.


but Nina...it wouldn't be connected to this life. You wouldn't know. If I said you could wake up tomorrow and change anything you didn't like about yourself but in exchange wouldn't remember anything you didn't like about yourself would you do it?

In doing so...Willie Bee Jr. would cease to exist. You're a sum of parts (I don't actually believe this as it is way too simplistic). If I lived my life over again it would have no value because I (the person who is typing this) wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Plus, my life is hell.
Most of the responses here seem strange to me. What am I missing?

The question isn't whether you've had an enjoyable life, but whether you would want to repeat the same EXACT thing over again. Life is always developing, progressing, overcoming shit. Why would anybody want to start at square one again? Without even the chance to do anything differently.

At the time of making the decision you have memories and as such if you had enjoyed your life why would you not opt to do it over again starting from scratch with no memories? In effect you would not be doing things over again.