Hooligans Sportsbook

72% of black babies are born out of wedlock...

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Am I the only one who can't find any links to any sites or research articles or government census statistics to back up this article? Every link they provide just takes you to some page, with more articles, on that site...

This article doesn't even touch base on any of the other races/ethnicities that live in poverty, not does it delve into the African Americans who aren't in poverty. Very one sided IMO. This is just crap.
I don't think we need any articles or stats to get down to the root issues here.

we are an intelligent, diverse, open minded crowd.


to balance things out.

and Inthehole
Am I the only one who can't find any links to any sites or research articles or government census statistics to back up this article? Every link they provide just takes you to some page, with more articles, on that site...

This article doesn't even touch base on any of the other races/ethnicities that live in poverty, not does it delve into the African Americans who aren't in poverty. Very one sided IMO. This is just crap.

This is a little dated but is at least from the CDC.....Bigger question as you said, is who cares? Why was this posted?

This is a little dated but is at least from the CDC.....Bigger question as you said, is who cares? Why was this posted?


See this I like, it accounts for ALL women. This is the world we live in now, women have taken their independence, and raising their kids on their own, or, maybe the father was a pos and bailed, the point is, I don't see this as a problem. I see the poverty they live in as the problem, I see the lack of education as a problem, I see the abundance and availability of drugs as the problem.

You are a product of environment.

You have the power to change that.

Sure, there are some down right horrid people out there that shouldn't be having children.
Sure, a broken home is a sad thing.

A womans, or a mans choice to have a child out of wedlock and perhaps even raise it alone, or in a two parent (but not married) home is their choice.

If the world sees women having children out of wedlock as a problem, then maybe more people should do what they can to help.

But we live in a selfish world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and people will continue to do as they damn well please. The end.

Those same jackasses that voted for Obama thinking he was different just because the negro was on Facebook. It's been fun watching these idiots up close.

Anybody that believes has already lost. Either play the game and profit from it or live outside of it.

It's a war of race and resources, it's always been, it never changed.
:weareone:but yeah part of taking power of changing my life as a 16 year old black girl living in the hood and pulling myself up from the boot straps would involved a big dose of

Remember times have changed. A lot of couples are waiting until they are in their 30's or late 30's to finally have children. Often they are just couples and being married is not priority #1 to them. It wasn't for me that's for sure.