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72% of black babies are born out of wedlock...

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All I did was post a fact and and article. everything else is on you guys. I am FAR from racist. Your alluding to my possibly being racist says something about all of you. YOU ALL are the ones blowing this up. I find this very interesting. What a lovely little accidental social experiment I caused. Hmmm Perhaps you all need to ask why this article was written in the first place? why is this news? what makes this news worthy? Perhaps it is our over all society that is still haunted by racist views. I found this article to be racist. Note that when I posted this, I gave zero opinion. I simply copy and pasted the article link and posted the title. You all took this in the direction YOU chose.

Interesting how it's easier for you all to call me a racist, without even knowing my opinion. You all automatically assume i'm a racist? NOPE. I found the article to be ridiculous as "news". If you have followed anything I have put on here you'll know that I don't believe people need to be married to have kids and to be in a committed relationship.

This article I posted was not written by me, it in no way reflects my opinions. But hey, thanks for assuming i'm a racist bitch Matty, in Action Girl, Cami, etc.

I think everyone one here was shocked to see you post this..I think everyone is wondering how you found this article in the first place....let alone posted it....I think the real issue here, is NO ONE IS MAD AT YOU....we read the article...we didn't like...we talked about it....isn't that the whole reason you posted it and asked what our thoughts were? So is that how it works...you post an article...and ask us to talk about it...and then get mad when some of us find the ARTICLE NOT YOU offensive...seriously...drama.

Cali.....calm the fuck down baby girl. we still love you.
STFU Bread!! I have no problem with Cali, I never once came at her! (though I would cum with her lol)

I was simply reacting to the article, and trying to explain to Cali why it appears that others were coming at her....when no one was.
In all honesty no one liked the article and found it to be really fucked up...but Cali isn't the one who wrote it....she's just the asshole that posted it! I still love her though and she knows it!! It's my love for Cali that allows me to call her an asshole when she's being one....I mean no disrespect and she knows that....so...shut up you oyster!!!!!
STFU Bread!! I have no problem with Cali, I never once came at her! (though I would cum with her lol)

I was simply reacting to the article, and trying to explain to Cali why it appears that others were coming at her....when no one was.
In all honesty no one liked the article and found it to be really fucked up...but Cali isn't the one who wrote it....she's just the asshole that posted it! I still love her though and she knows it!! It's my love for Cali that allows me to call her an asshole when she's being one....I mean no disrespect and she knows that....so...shut up you oyster!!!!!

that's why i posted it

i love you too. you can cum on me anytime.