Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Oh, and ”Why are pot smokers skinny?”
  2. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Hope to be back visiting Nashville in July. Loved it there.
  3. IAG

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    Ahhhhh. Thanks RJ, yeah, I didn’t hit the “insert quotes” button. Got it now. Cool!
  4. IAG

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    I dk why quote is not working for me, but dedicated to Kato and Matty in their endeavor......and Karen. Best female vocalist ever. You guys got this. And damn, who doesn’t like multiple tambourines?
  5. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

    If you have done anything with it like( sold at gain or loss, ) exchanged for another crypto. funded a book, or even bought a cup of coffee with it, you are supposed to create the taxable event. If you have just held since 2018. then just mark the “no” box and move on. But the IRS is not...
  6. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

  7. IAG

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    Do you do the courses every day? I checked it out, but I will probably cancel before end of the 14 days If yo7 can do other stuff for free.
  8. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

    Not sure what you are saying here.
  9. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

    From my FB crypto group: “To keep this in perspective, over 72% of Bitcoins hash rate comes from renewable energy. Mostly hydro. A lot of the rest of it comes from excess energy, like gas wells that they either burn off or use for crypto. But most importantly, have you ever added up the...
  10. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

    Kings of Leon NFT...wonder if anyone here likes KOL. :)
  11. IAG

    Random thoughts

    Only gets worse pal...at least you are doing the waking up part...that’s the key.
  12. IAG

    Bitcoin-based online gambling

    What do you guys think of the new NFT craze? That shit is weird...but if there is money to be made, I won’t discount outright. People are paying insane amounts for these things.
  13. IAG

    Pics where I'm not sure where to put it

    I’m glad you have a spot to post to RJ...otherwise no idea where you would post that.
  14. IAG

    kato's good mourning/good evening thread

    Good morning Kato. Good morning Gamelive.
  15. IAG

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    And I rarely eat breakfast....had coffee and mimosa also. Probably not good for the heart, but it’s vacation. I’ll eat better next week.
  16. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Geez. Haven’t seen Rito around in a while. Think I messaged with him sometime last summer..Hope he’s ok. Good to hear you are doing fine with it. Like I said, I’m challenged when it comes to understanding physiology...really know nothing about the heart other than what I have recently googled...
  17. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Really? Now I’m confused... I am reading that abdominal aortic aneurysms are more common, but thoracic are very rare. Does ascending mean it is thoracic or can you have an ascending AA in abdomen? I’m physiologicslly challenged.
  18. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Wow. good info Arch. Yeah, primary did tell me not to lift anything heavy. Have to wodk on avoiding stress, I may hit you up on pm or FB with additional questions as they come up. There is the GL No pistachio club, and now the GL Ascending aortic aneurysm club.
  19. IAG

    What was your last google search.

    Thanks Arch.Is yours an “ascending aortic aneurism?” I don’t understand all the lingo but apparently only 5 out of 100k people get them? Mine is 4.3 cm , so kind of a gray area as I understand. I did read 5 cm was the tipping point for surgery unless having issues. I guess if they can tie...