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So you wanna hear my strange new song?

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Jan 27, 2010
Bit of a rhetorical question. A few people have already said yes and I would just go ahead and post it anyway.

Just working on getting it to YouTube right now.


I am nervous about this one though. A few people have heard a few of my songs and they have been very conventional, lightweight kinds of songs. This is a fairly dark abstract effort, both lyrically and musically. It might be tough to follow. It might be the kind of song you need to hear more than once to get the flow of it.

I'm not sure. I am too close to it.

It is also my first attempt at a piano video. I am not happy with the sound quality. But I did the best I can in my current state of meager equipment. I also wish I could have done more for the visual side of it. It would probably be more interesting to look at if you could see my hands instead of just staring at my ear. But I fussed and farted around with the camera and finally ended up with this. It will have to do. This video is not meant to be an end product anyway. I will be adding full instrumentation down the road. I just wanted to run the song by a few friends and get some initial feedback.

The ending here is not real (so to speak). The actual song is part of a prog rock album concept I am dabbling with and this song will go directly into the next song which will start with a 12-string acoustic guitar movement. But I figured I should have some kind of ending for the vid so I tacked something on.

Of course there are no end of goofy facial expressions.

Can you tell I'm nervous? Rambling away here.
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There is (or at least was) a Canadian Idol which, like the American version, has an age limit. I don't know what exactly that is but I'm sure I am at least 90 years over it.

YouTube still churning away with the upload.
I really don't know. It says 192 MB of 192 MB and 0:00 remaining. It seems like it should be done. But I looked for it from another computer and it does not seem to be there on my channel.

I am starting to wonder if something is up. I feel like I might be on some kind of indefinite hold. It's been awhile since I have done this but I don't recall it taking this long.

I am going to take a walk and if it's still doing this when I get back I will shake it up, and maybe end up starting from scratch. UGH!
I canceled and started again. It actually only takes about a minute to get to the point I was describing where it says 192MB of 192 MB and 0:00 remaining. We are there. Now it is displaying a series of screen caps from the vid. They are all similar shots of the port side of my head so it is hard to tell how far along we are.

If any YouTube experts want to chime in with advice I am all ears (as the video proves). Hopefully it will just go along and finish up this time. I have done it before so I should be able to do it again.
There is (or at least was) a Canadian Idol which, like the American version, has an age limit. I don't know what exactly that is but I'm sure I am at least 90 years over it.

YouTube still churning away with the upload.

Muddy - American Idol here has an age limit here in the states and Bread knows all about it. I think his post was another way for him to call you old. :old:

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