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fuck insurance companies

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Monkey, my last name is Farmer...yeah, as in Farmers Ins. okay, throwing that out the window, i cant tell you how disappointed some people in my family are that i dont work in insurance and even more disappointed that i only have major medical. .. Monkey, i wont argue with you on insurance because neither one of us are at that age where shit starts to break down on us...now, is there a certain age where people should go full out and get minor and medical coverage? only that person knows... all i can say is that i get a few physicals a year and might get sick enough to see a dr. once a year...thats why i dont have minor... but , i drink a lot, i do drugs and i drive while doing both...plus i have heart disease and diverticulitus that runs wild in the family, so, like i said, i will not go a day without having major medical..(and its rather cheap)

so you ask, how much have i used it...none... but as a kid, my parents used it plenty...broken bones and shit..
will i need it when i get older....unless i die in an accident, its 100% certain i will need it, as will you and everyone else... now, when you start to need it, i cant answer that, but i guarantee you will need it and if you dont have it, you will go broke real fast wishing you had it

If you spend $100 a month on health insurance but instead put that money to work for you earning 6.5%, after 40 years you'd have $244k. Do you know what the average yearly cost for cancer is? About $40k. And guess how much your premiums increase as you get older. No matter how you slice it, if you put the money spent on insurance to work, you make out. The insurance companies are not losing money. They know what they are doing.
as i told you earlier, i wont argue with you about full blown insurance because i dont even carry minor medical...im not sure when i will pick it up... i would be real interested in where you can earn 6.5% for $100 a month though... its not possible where i am. cancer isnt even the leading cause of death in the u.s. also, you do realize that the ins. companies get bailed out huge, right? its true, nobody is in business to lose money... i have it because it makes me feel better knowing i can get the help i need if something happens to me
as i told you earlier, i wont argue with you about full blown insurance because i dont even carry minor medical...im not sure when i will pick it up... i would be real interested in where you can earn 6.5% for $100 a month though... its not possible where i am. cancer isnt even the leading cause of death in the u.s. also, you do realize that the ins. companies get bailed out huge, right? its true, nobody is in business to lose money... i have it because it makes me feel better knowing i can get the help i need if something happens to me

There is no reason that you shouldn't earn an average return of 6.5% over 40 years with a diversified portfolio. I'd rather have the money in my control than to pay for something that might never happen. I used the cancer example because that would seem like a much greater health care cost than a heart attack or whatever else.
If you spend $100 a month on health insurance but instead put that money to work for you earning 6.5%, after 40 years you'd have $244k. Do you know what the average yearly cost for cancer is? About $40k. And guess how much your premiums increase as you get older. No matter how you slice it, if you put the money spent on insurance to work, you make out. The insurance companies are not losing money. They know what they are doing.


My cancer cost 100k (for the insurance company --- and they got it all back in premiums and more) And none of the treatments were even remotely new, they'd been around for 30 years.
to be honest, for people our age to get involved with a 40yr anything would just be stupid... and if you get sick and have to pull some out, the penaltiesyou will incur are huge and you know this...with heart disease being the #1 killer in the states, people who have suffered heart attacks/strokes or other complications with heart disease, the initial hospitilization alone could wipe out their savings if they dont have insurance, not to mention the cost of medications if they live.
to be honest, for people our age to get involved with a 40yr anything would just be stupid... and if you get sick and have to pull some out, the penaltiesyou will incur are huge and you know this...with heart disease being the #1 killer in the states, people who have suffered heart attacks/strokes or other complications with heart disease, the initial hospitilization alone could wipe out their savings if they dont have insurance, not to mention the cost of medications if they live.

Ray, I'm not talking about T-bills or 401k. Although that may be part of your portfolio, most of it would be liquid. I'm talking about investing the money in stocks, bonds, commodities, perhaps owning a business, real estate, etc. 40 years was just an example of how much opportunity cost there is and the figures I used were extremely low estimates.
I didn't even read this and I agree with you. Insurance companies suck. How many years do you pay into a policy just to have them raise your rates at every little turn. And what happens if you're with them for years and never make a claim, do you get your money back since you never needed their services? Hell no. Fuck them.

this :greencheck:
There is one very HUGE point that everyone seems to miss when they use this point. Our Country is not Canada. The dynamic of our country is different, the make up of our country is different, the population is different....among other things.

The difference is the business interest that runs the government. Access to free medicine for the public would do away with numerous cash cows. Not only the insurance/medicine/drug related ones, but others which rely on peoples fear and desperation.
Plus large segments of the US public are pretty fucking ignorant in political matters and easily duped.
Amby, that's why the United States is in severe debt. Within 15-20 years, there will be no middle class. Upper and Lower is all that will exist, working for the Chinese.

This isn't true. If this is true then most of the world will be doing the same. As our economy goes so does much of the world. I would argue that Universal health care would make what you are saying happen much more quickly.

The difference is the business interest that runs the government. Access to free medicine for the public would do away with numerous cash cows. Not only the insurance/medicine/drug related ones, but others which rely on peoples fear and desperation.
Plus large segments of the US public are pretty fucking ignorant in political matters and easily duped.

Cash Cows are not necessarily a bad thing. Just because a company makes a lot of money doesn't mean that it relies on people's fear and desperation. You are basically saying that we should take away the right to turn a profit, therefore take away Capitalism which is the basis in which our country was built on.
This isn't true. If this is true then most of the world will be doing the same. As our economy goes so does much of the world. I would argue that Universal health care would make what you are saying happen much more quickly.

Cash Cows are not necessarily a bad thing. Just because a company makes a lot of money doesn't mean that it relies on people's fear and desperation. You are basically saying that we should take away the right to turn a profit, therefore take away Capitalism which is the basis in which our country was built on.

I'm saying that the reason people here can't have things readily available in the rest of the modern world is because the business criminals that run the government would have their interests compromised....
This is different from the shitload of bogus reasons same criminals attempt to persuade the public with, such as:
our healthcare would be compromised
we can't afford it
it's socialism
people abuse it/ don't deserve it
......you name it.
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