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fuck insurance companies

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this is true...IF you NEVER get in car wrecks, NEVER burn/flood your house, have perfect health and die all of a sudden without needing to go to the hospital.... if something major happens to you and you dont have insurance, you are fucked unless you are extremely wealthy.

Reno, universal healthcare does not work for the laziest country in the world...too many fucks want handouts here.

So you don't think you pay for it with VASTLY higher premiums afterward anyway? Come on, Ray. The insurance companies are for-profit entities.
MF should I read the fine print on my life insurance? I pay extra so that should I perish, Robyn would get a decent amount. But I'm betting if my death is alcohol/drug/stupidity induced, they will not pay.

And I'd say there is about a 80% chance of my death being alcohol/drug/stupidity induced.

Man what a sucker.
MF should I read the fine print on my life insurance? I pay extra so that should I perish, Robyn would get a decent amount. But I'm betting if my death is alcohol/drug/stupidity induced, they will not pay.

And I'd say there is about a 80% chance of my death being alcohol/drug/stupidity induced.

Man what a sucker.

I'd say that would be a good idea if you'd like for your insurance policy to dictate how you live your life...
monkey, i understand where you are coming from... home ins. is something that the majority of clients will always lose out on...most people get in car wrecks, but still ends up being -ev (but you have to factor in everything involved... wrecking a car and having no insurance to get it fixed can mean not having a car for a while, missing out on work etc...) , but as far as health ins. goes, you couldnt be more wrong about it.

i will tell you, i dont have minor medical because i have so many dr. friends and even if i didnt, its +ev for me to just pay for visits (physicals, cold shots etc) and i understand this...but i wont go a day without having major medical...with the lifestyle that i live (and i think yours is similar) its stupid to go without it
I don't know..i have a cash value life Insurance policy which is not only something to take of things if I pass away but also an investment. Next year the premiums start paying for itself and it is more of a high yield savings for when I retire or ever want to borrow against for something such as a house...
monkey, i understand where you are coming from... home ins. is something that the majority of clients will always lose out on...most people get in car wrecks, but still ends up being -ev (but you have to factor in everything involved... wrecking a car and having no insurance to get it fixed can mean not having a car for a while, missing out on work etc...) , but as far as health ins. goes, you couldnt be more wrong about it.

i will tell you, i dont have minor medical because i have so many dr. friends and even if i didnt, its +ev for me to just pay for visits (physicals, cold shots etc) and i understand this...but i wont go a day without having major medical...with the lifestyle that i live (and i think yours is similar) its stupid to go without it

I went to the hospital earlier in the year. The bill was over $8k for about a two hour visit. Because I paid cash, it was $1850. So how much have you paid for health insurance, Ray? And how much have you used it for? And how many thousand dollars would I have been in the hole had I been paying for insurance the last 5-6 years since my last visit to a doctor/hospital?
I don't know..i have a cash value life Insurance policy which is not only something to take of things if I pass away but also an investment. Next year the premiums start paying for itself and it is more of a high yield savings for when I retire or ever want to borrow against for something such as a house...

I'd rather look at the opportunity cost of something like that and put the money to work.
Why shouldn't we have Universal healthcare?

We have intelligent citizens of Canada posting here who squash the rhetoric.

I'm tired of these socialized nazi african lovers telling other people who to live.

You know something, I want choice. I don't want kill beds and death panels, you know how terrible it is in canada when you get sick?

God bless the day when I will be fortunate enough to receive an invoice in the mail - and then subsequent collection calls - from a hospital after I break an arm. I will have choice and freedom and that is what DEMOCRACY is all about.
Why shouldn't we have Universal healthcare?

We have intelligent citizens of Canada posting here who squash the rhetoric.

There is one very HUGE point that everyone seems to miss when they use this point. Our Country is not Canada. The dynamic of our country is different, the make up of our country is different, the population is different....among other things.
Monkey, my last name is Farmer...yeah, as in Farmers Ins. okay, throwing that out the window, i cant tell you how disappointed some people in my family are that i dont work in insurance and even more disappointed that i only have major medical. .. Monkey, i wont argue with you on insurance because neither one of us are at that age where shit starts to break down on us...now, is there a certain age where people should go full out and get minor and medical coverage? only that person knows... all i can say is that i get a few physicals a year and might get sick enough to see a dr. once a year...thats why i dont have minor... but , i drink a lot, i do drugs and i drive while doing both...plus i have heart disease and diverticulitus that runs wild in the family, so, like i said, i will not go a day without having major medical..(and its rather cheap)

so you ask, how much have i used it...none... but as a kid, my parents used it plenty...broken bones and shit..
will i need it when i get older....unless i die in an accident, its 100% certain i will need it, as will you and everyone else... now, when you start to need it, i cant answer that, but i guarantee you will need it and if you dont have it, you will go broke real fast wishing you had it
There is one very HUGE point that everyone seems to miss when they use this point. Our Country is not Canada. The dynamic of our country is different, the make up of our country is different, the population is different....among other things.

Amby, that's why the United States is in severe debt. Within 15-20 years, there will be no middle class. Upper and Lower is all that will exist, working for the Chinese.