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fuck insurance companies

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The facts are that his rates would not DOUBLE if it was completely not his fault in BOTH "fender benders".....you guys keep binging things up that are irrelevant.

If you are at fault the rates will jump much higher than if you were not at fault. Maybe 10% up not at fault 60% up at fault and if at fault twice in one year then 100% up.
1 was my fault, just a few weeks ago I backed outta my driveway and hit someone.
the other was my wifes sometime last yr I think, she bumped the car in front of her at a red light. and she's gotten a couple tickets since the last renewel.

I've had nothing on my record since 2007 until 3 weeks ago. in 2007 my company dropped me cause of that 1 claim
I understand her premium going up cause of all the stupid shit but mine doubling also??? WTF?

but in the past I have had no fault accidents and the companies always list them along with at-fault/tickets on the paperwork.

insurance is the best scam ever invented

I sold a truck about 6 yrs ago and the guy that bought it wrecked just days after. he gave the cops my insurance card that I mistakenly left in the truck.
took me about 2 yrs to get that straightened out and off my record, it kept showing up as no-fault accident
everyone says insurance is the biggest scam...until you total your car, burn down your house or have a heart attack and run up an assload of hospital bills... then you thank the insurance gods for being there. i agree though that if you are safe and healthy and have never had any issues, writing those checks all the time can sure as shit get under your skin
another reason to keep medical costs beyond the means of most people. Scare the public into excepting a scumbag industry.. i.e insurance.

These scum work together.

Why are they so afraid of universal healthcare? ... It would undermine the fear industry.
I didn't even read this and I agree with you. Insurance companies suck. How many years do you pay into a policy just to have them raise your rates at every little turn. And what happens if you're with them for years and never make a claim, do you get your money back since you never needed their services? Hell no. Fuck them.
everyone says insurance is the biggest scam...until you total your car, burn down your house or have a heart attack and run up an assload of hospital bills... then you thank the insurance gods for being there. i agree though that if you are safe and healthy and have never had any issues, writing those checks all the time can sure as shit get under your skin


Do you realize that over time if you had saved the money you put into insurance, you'd be ahead of the game?
I am well aware of that...but that does not mean that we should have Universal healthcare.

How much money are they sucking people dry for? My idea of universal health care would simply be a loan system along the lines of the student loan system. That way, people can't bail on their bills and/or don't getting screwed by insurance. They'd also be responsible for the bills that they had accumulated individually.

Do you realize that over time if you had saved the money you put into insurance, you'd be ahead of the game?

this is true...IF you NEVER get in car wrecks, NEVER burn/flood your house, have perfect health and die all of a sudden without needing to go to the hospital.... if something major happens to you and you dont have insurance, you are fucked unless you are extremely wealthy.

Reno, universal healthcare does not work for the laziest country in the world...too many fucks want handouts here.