Of course. But I've never jeopardized my family for the sake of my own selfish desires. My blood matters to me more than anything. And I'm not even judging you based on that. In all honesty, I hope you've gotten everything rectified on that front. And I hope you are man enough to be honest and up front with your wife and family from here forward.
It really stems more from your neediness. You constantly need validation. You're not unlike, Cougar Bait. Of the things that I noticed in the past was your constant need for agreement. Any dissenting viewpoints irritated you beyond belief. And I loved to needle you for that. When I see something like that, I attack. You really need to gain some confidence in yourself and be happy with what you have in your life. Everyone needs to improve certain aspects of themselves. I'm certainly no exception.
I'll take it easy on you for a while. I only hope you've learned something and grown from it without too much damage.