Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Odd. I have woken up this morning with a song stuck in my head. It is the song Kiss Me and the odd part is it is being sung with a lisp

Thtrike up the band and make the fireflieth danth
Thilver moon'th thparkling
Tho kith me

Dammit, Muddy. That was already my least favorite song to have stuck in my head, and now I have it with a lisp? Seriously?

Crap, this calls for drastic measures. BROCK, BROCK LANDERS...
Odd. I have woken up this morning with a song stuck in my head. It is the song Kiss Me and the odd part is it is being sung with a lisp

Thtrike up the band and make the fireflieth danth
Thilver moon'th thparkling
Tho kith me

You've been clean a long time my friend, this post indicates their may still be some drug residue in your system.
You may be on to something. I have been listing slightly to the left. Plus earlier on the woman at the convenience store was wondering why I was carrying my pants instead of wearing them.

It could all mean something.

Was your cock sporting an empty toilet paper roll that was clearly visible to this lady?
I call this one


working without benefit of a safety net
i've traversed the high wires of america
seeking balance among the items in my freezer
where bread products of sprawling grandeur impede the path
and individual meal-sized portions of frozen meat like varied winds threaten the equilibrium
of my unicycle
heavenly father please don't let my little hat fall off
I call this one


working without benefit of a safety net
i've traversed the high wires of america
seeking balance among the items in my freezer
where bread products of sprawling grandeur impede the path
and individual meal-sized portions of frozen meat like varied winds threaten the equilibrium
of my unicycle
heavenly father please don't let my little hat fall off

!!! :clap::lmao::clap:
I call this one


working without benefit of a safety net
i've traversed the high wires of america
seeking balance among the items in my freezer
where bread products of sprawling grandeur impede the path
and individual meal-sized portions of frozen meat like varied winds threaten the equilibrium
of my unicycle
heavenly father please don't let my little hat fall off

Damn I can't edit. I had an idea to make the title even more awesome but I can't do it.

Is this editing restriction really because of PapaGeorge? That's what I heard.

If my creative process is being hindered because of the misdeeds of that idiotic wankmobile, that would really grill my Chilean sea bass.

Yesterday I was gazing out my window when a pterodactyl swooped down from the sky and snatched a man off the ground, carried him up in the air and dropped him from a height of about 4 storeys onto the road. The man was severely injured with broken bones and bleeding from the back of his head, but not dead. The pterodactyl landed beside him and ripped his belly open with its jagged beak and started feeding on his viscera while the man moaned in pain.

I wasn't sure what to do. I could foresee that, without intervention, the man would be dead within minutes and the pterodactyl would finish feeding and fly away and the episode would be over. Dinosaurs would return to being extinct as they have been for so long. So, so sad, extinction.

So I gathered up the man and pterodactyl and put them in Tupperware. I am now keeping them in a cupboard beside the crunchy peanut butter. The Tupperware is so effective at preserving freshness that the pterodactyl feeding on the man could last indefinitely. A full day later the gusto of the muffled screams is undiminished.

Tupperware. Good product.
I was just noticing something this morning which I do sub-consciously. I don't know what to make of it.

Every morning when I am getting out of bed, I have a mantra. As I am throwing off the covers and springing into action I say, "Let's make the magic happen."

But I want to be clear. This is not an affirmation as it may seem on the surface. It is clearly sarcastic. If I lived in a posting forum, it would be accompanied by this smiley: :rolleyes: It is said almost with a sense of doom hanging over it.

"Let's make the magic happen."

I start every day with a little self-mocking ritual. What's up with that?