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Wtf is this Bitcoin shit

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I bought Bitcoin last week to buy in to Bovada. There's a two week hold until I can take it off Coinbase. It's up almost 33% since I bought it. Who needs poker?

You may already know this but if you have a friend send you Bitcoin to your Coinbase wallet, you can use that Bitcoin for Bovada while you wait for yours to clear.
How much do you still have?

It seems like you always seems to profit whether it goes up or down
Not me bruh. Had a inkling it would go up but wasn't paying attention at the time it broke through resistance. That was more of a observation.

Expecting the price to hover in the 4800-5100 area for a bit before declining to make new lows and then we go to lambo land 👌🤞
It's cos he flies with coinbase, the most "self imposed" and regulated control structure exchange in all of crypto.

From a puritan standpoint it goes against everything that crypto is about but big gov gonna do what big gov does...

yeah I don't like it either, but to be fair they kinda had to since the IRS was on their ass since the outset

here is the coinbase thresholds

Arkansas (AR) - $2,500
District of Columbia (DC) - $600
Massachusetts (MA) - $600
Mississippi (MS) - $600
Missouri (MO) - $1,200
New Jersey (NJ) - $1,000
Vermont (VT) - $600
All other states - $20k
Alright so I'm up and running at Bovada, no bitcoin - deposit straight with my card. This means my only withdrawal option is a check I believe, and that's fine.

Could have done without a 5.448% fee. I emailed them and they said it wasn't on their end, I believe them. Their turnaround time on emails has been impressive.

One big thing I don't like with the software. Like ok normally when you log onto a poker room you see all the available tables, with how many players are at each. Because of their format leaving all players anonymous and having you select game type/seats at the table, etc. then automatically seating you at a table, I keep getting seated at tables with 2 players, 3 players, etc. so I have to keep trying to get seated over and over again.That's pretty annoying - I'm not here to play shorthanded.

That being said it's nice to be up and running online again. and yes, I am CRUSHING it - up $8.33 in my first hour.

I remember the games to be pretty tough at lower limit there from few years ago. People raising with nuts only late. Don't try to call any bluffs. I guess raising with shit preflop, betting again, only calling with big hands late is a way to beat them. They try to trap you all the time
I agree. They play like me, lol in large part - probably more polished. I appreciate the insight.
Just finished +$104 2 hour session. Both pairs aces could have easily went the other way.
That's cool though if I can tread water (obviously want more) and clear the bonus this works itself out.
I don't see it as an alternative to live play though. I've had some vicious swings there but that feels more lucrative, especially if you include the high hand bonuses..
After clearing the bonus here I see this as something for when the local places are dead. Kind of have to dedicate to it to have a chance at clearing the bonus, I believe it's 30 days. In fact I'm going to email for clarification on that right now.
Nevermind, I see it. It is 30 days and it's pretty rigid.

Going to be tough to clear it at $.5/$1, the past day was about 6 hours of multitabling which isn't that much. So we take $10.44*30 days and we're significantly short of the $500 - plus in the review I read he said it gets harder towards the end.

We'll see where this goes. I will dedicate to it unless it gets to the point where it's looking unrealistic, if that happens just lay low wait for the bonus to expire and pull out when the funds are no longer held in lieu of the bonus.

Unless of course I lose.


I will throw in that the tiling options if you're a multitabler are very convenient, probably 2nd best I've seen - 1st being pokerstars.