Hooligans Sportsbook

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To determine how stupid the posters there are I posted a picture of a woman wearing two pearl necklaces asking if they thought she was hot. I think out of the 100 people who posted in that thread only one realized she was wearing 2 pearl necklaces. And I posted it in the appropriate goofy forum. Some people do not realize how stupid they are when they read a thread.

Ya left out the part of you saying you hook up with this married lady. Either way I don't know what you were trying to accomplish. Silly to
say the least.
Hustled? No.

Stiffed? Yes.

What's your point?

Lenny from Of Mice and Men would have sniffed that out. You got hustled. One day if you are board go back and read the posts leading up to it. You may learn something.

skip, ignore, delete... you have more important things to be doing :robynballs:

and mf, the next time you're board, please bring your ass down here...i'm no dac but i'm sure i can find more exciting ways to make you work for your $100 and you'll actually get paid :)

MnokeyFocker my reading comprehension is sometimes off but I'm pretty sure this is an offer for sex and to get paid for it at the same time. Either that or she is considering hiring the worlds angriest male nanny for lil Seth.
MnokeyFocker my reading comprehension is sometimes off but I'm pretty sure this is an offer for sex and to get paid for it at the same time. Either that or she is considering hiring the worlds angriest male nanny for lil Seth.

MonkeyFocker the poster is not the same as MonkeyFocker the person. He is a very nice guy.
Apparently reading comprehension is not your strength.

I guess not. Either is making a stupid thread with a naked lady and cum on her neck which you said you banged behind her husband's back.

Speaking of back, are you afraid of Nair? From what they say, you are a cross between Lucy and an extra from The Planet of The Apes.


Hmm. He lost a bet to me and stiffed me. Schooled? Obviously. LOL.

You're not even bright enough to troll properly, pinhead. Get lost before I turn you into minced meat.

Guy 10k could mean nothing to you. Who cares? You got conned by a 17 or 18 year old Vietnamese kid who had about 20 posts. You bet him $100. That is pretty funny. I bet the hookers you get rip you off right and left.