Hooligans Sportsbook

Who's going to Vegas on the weekend of Aug 27-28?

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A term Tiger Woods himself made up. It is a portmanteau of Caucasian, Black, American-Indian, and Asian, which is his ethnic make-up of a quarter Chinese, a quarter Thai, a quarter Black, an eighth Native American and an eighth Dutch.

Tiger Woods is Cablinasian

nice, tiger woods is cablinasian and so is kato
Pair of 5's Sir and I are heading out there Fri-Wed of that week Herman

If SBR wants to choke up $400 toward airfare and room and give free entry into a poker tourny then count me in.

Him and I go out there every August anyway. We'll probably crash at Wynn on the poker rate for the last 3 nights.

Have fun if you decide to go.

I remember playing poker with pair of5's sir. Were you there last year Daft?

Anyways, I must be public enemy #1 for some reason there. They're not even letting me log in, period.:laugh:

A term Tiger Woods himself made up. It is a portmanteau of Caucasian, Black, American-Indian, and Asian, which is his ethnic make-up of a quarter Chinese, a quarter Thai, a quarter Black, an eighth Native American and an eighth Dutch.

Tiger Woods is Cablinasian

nice, tiger woods is cablinasian and so is kato


I remember playing poker with pair of5's sir. Were you there last year Daft?

Anyways, I must be public enemy #1 for some reason there. They're not even letting me log in, period.:laugh:

I was not there reno. Pair finished 7th in the tourny. Pair and I have made many trips to Vegas with our crew.

reno how'd you do in the tourny
Shit. Nice work reno.

Reno glad to hear you're not playing in the tourny this year. The more soft tables the better. Matt you're not going to be there to try and make the final table again I assume?