With the large role narcotics have played in my life, I often Whoa, Hey at drug references. Like when the baseball announcer points out, "There is speed at first base."
Whoa, Hey!
Seriously though, I find that references to drugs in popular culture are awkwardly inappropriate... yet for the non-using drug virgin, these references are so opaque and un-relatable that they are nearly meaningless. Drug scenes in movies, to the non-using viewer, are merely a symbol of "bad"... but there still seems to be a lot of effort that goes into making these.
I rewatched the first Die Hard several months ago and it was the first time I paid attention to the cokehead business guy. The actor plays a coked-out professional to absolute perfection. There is no need for him to be nearly that close to the real thing, but he absolutely nails it. In a movie that plays on primetime cable just about every week.
Same thing in Breaking Bad when Jesse is having a party in his house with his two old buddies/partners. They act out a stimulant high with incredible accuracy, complete with rambling semi-nonsense and intense focus. No need to. I suspect that a tiny tiny number of Breaking Bad viewers have ever tried meth. But here they are, replicating the meth experience to perfection.
During sex scenes, we're supposed to believe that a fully-clothed couple that's not even dry-humping convincingly is actually having intercourse. Then you switch to AMC and you can watch Jesse Pinkman's impeccable, true-to-life meth-smoking technique.
This is so fucking inappropriate!