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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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LOL but CB don't even try talking any "common sense" to him. He's in such a bad political state of mind presently and TDS rating has to be off the charts by now. And I can only imagine the other GameLiver residing in SFLA. His head has to be exploding. The life long Repub who once wanted Coumo as President and said recently Liz Cheney would make a good VP.

Wait a minute, is Davey still a self-proclaimed Non-Gameliver? If so @roguejuror I would request an un-biased GL ruling that should rule in favor of not being allowed to post in political threads until after the Nov election? Hopefully too late for him to become official!

Wait a minute 2.0, looks like the political whizz kid might have gotten his wish rallying together?

I guess the knucklehead didn't work out.
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Who’s notorious for his ABUNDANCE of common sense.

Maybe you are right! And I'm all for the loophole getting closed up. Just a tiny bit odd to me this motion is being filed NOW. Why not last year? Four years ago? Surely they didn't just find out about this?

Timing makes it seem an awful lot like a political ploy vs. a good honest attempt to make things right. But it's entirely possible I'm being cynical and they had good intentions in mind.

Odd thoigh that you know so much about the law, but your original post made it seem more widespread than that, "Can I just request a ballot then?" Maybe you were joking, but did @FairWarning know you were? Does MrSafeSpace? No, most probably take it at face value that funny business is occurring.

I shouldn't have said voter suppression here, that's fair. I don't think votes are being suppressed because I don't even think this is happening, and even if it were, I'd support non-citizens being left out. I meant attempting to influence voters and damage the integrity of the election, which I believe is going on here.

But maybe I'm wrong. I appreciate the response. Contrary to MrM's last essay, I enjoy the conversations 👍
The sad part is we had four years to close election loopholes and we learned nothing.
The oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history had this to say about Obama yesterday

States can and should promulgate any and all voting and/or voter registration regulations they desire. As long as the state doesn't infringe on a constitutional right, which they are not here, it's well within the powers of a state.

It's the same as wanting STATES have the power to decide what regs to put in place on abortion under Roe (or post Roe). I don't know who is complaining about Michigan making laws for their own citizens and residents, but whoever they are they sure love big federal government.
The fact the election is for a federal post really has nothing to do with it IMO. The issue isn't who is going to be the head of the Federal govt. Properly framed the issue is "how are the people of XYZ state going to be enfranchised to participate in a Federal election." The government of Michigan (duly elected by the people of Michigan) should be empowered to define how they participate - not some big bad Federal overlord. If Michigan wants to fuck over Michiganders (however those people see it) they should have to answer to those people and those people only.

It's thinking like this that quickly makes everything a federal question and the fucking big government creep that has existed since the Civil War is bullshit.
I guess we disagree since fucking over Michiganders (is that a word? maybe) also fucks over non-Michiganders.

I did get my hands on this new book though. Actually it's an old book, but it's amazing how often it applies. This is referencing the Harris clip, not the Boner post.

How do they "know" they won't have all the votes counted?

Florida and Texas don't seem to have the same issue.

I saw Maricopa County said it would be 10-13 days. What in the World According to Garp is this?

Can we please not go through this bullshit AGAIN?

a family member in Pa explained it to me once, when I made fun of pennsytucky slow counting holding up results. i.forgrt the specifics.

but a few states (Pa included) can't count mail In ballots until polls open on election day. can"t open envelope or inspect for legitimacy Ect. that is the big hold up.

the Dems pass a bill to allow them to start sorting earlier so they could be done on election tuesday but GOP blocked in the other branch.