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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Trying to stay away from the political nonsense but seriously buddy as smart as I believe you are, sometimes your political posts in this thread and others aren't always on the ball with the full story.

Yes there is FLA mail-in fraud just like I suppose every state, but the level of validity depends on the differing requirements EACH INDIVIDUAL STATE uses. This is why I strongly believe there should be ONE set policy for the entire country.

Probably don't remember but I posted about voting in NJ for 2016 and all they asked me was, "what's your name" LOL That's it to go into the booth. No driver's lincese etc etc. They have a book that they open to my pages from previously voting. I have to sign it and easily see how I signed it from past voting LOL! I believe it has changed thank God.

What I guarantee you 110% is the FRAUD that occurs with balloting harvesting. You know, when ONE individual gather hundreds, thousands of votes and brings them to be counted. And don't delude yourself if you don't think it occurs more on the left side. There's only one channel I have seen videos of this happening and it's one you don't watch..

I don't have it but maybe you can give us the short vid of when TRUMP explained last night that on BIDEN's first day in office, he closed down the Keystone Pipeline XL. Then a few months later BIDEN waived the sanctions TRUMP imposed on the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which provided Russia with the ability to send gas and oil to Germany and other Euro counties financially helping Putin. Probably indirectly assisted Putin in having the capability of a long drawn out war in Ukraine Thank you President BIDEN.

I know you will not vote for TRUMP, so please do the right thing and don't vote at all!!! Unless RFK Jr miraculously gets the nomination. Please don't let Newsom or Michelle O etc etc possibly become your flavor of the month down the road. Remember not everyone is as well off as you! More than there should be living paycheck-to-paycheck deserve better!!!
Sitting President who clearly has dementia and can barely walk running against this delusion man-child clown

We fucked
I agree TRUMP should have let it go!!! Unfortunately he still believes being cheated. And one aspect I agree with is the vote counting involving ballot harvesting. I mentioned before where one person collects hundreds/thousands ballots and brings them in to be counted. You really trust those people on the left not to take their personal hatred towards TRUMP and to throw away some votes for him or change for Biden?

You, yourself a perfect example .... A LIFELONG REPUBLICAN who spews continuous personal hatred for TRUMP. Just think if you were a LIFELONG DEMOCRAT collecting those votes? :scary:

Biden I might think is an out and out crook, but I have no personal animosity towards him like you do towards TRUMP. More importantly I and everyone else in their right mind have seen how our country has deteriorated.

And LOL to your above, we were that when Biden got 81M+ votes to become President. Say what you want but wouldn't have skyrocket inflation, uncontrollable unvetted immigration, and crises US has been involved in all over the world if TRUMP was still in charge.
I agree TRUMP should have let it go!!! Unfortunately he still believes being cheated. And one aspect I agree with is the vote counting involving ballot harvesting. I mentioned before where one person collects hundreds/thousands ballots and brings them in to be counted. You really trust those people on the left not to take their personal hatred towards TRUMP and to throw away some votes for him or change for Biden?
Here's the bit I don't understand.

The integrity of poll workers was never brought into question on a mainstream scale prior to Trump and Fox News fear mongering.

But let's say it is happening.

Poll workers are bi-partison. Especially in swing states. If you are concerned about this, isn't it just as likely that a pro-Trump poll worker sabotages the ballots in favor of Trump?

Why on earth is this only a concern for people on the left? Surely extremists on both sides can't be trusted?
@Vegas Dave of course it goes both ways which I didn't include there. Though for your better understanding of not fully understanding my post, it's just the extreme PERSONAL hatred on the left side for TRUMP I mentioned and that it's more of BUSINESS hatred for Biden the way the country has gone down hill with in the three ways I mentioned. That's why I brought in the LLR poster here considering the PERSONAL hate he has for him like plenty others on the left side..

Can't find the vids I have seen of Dems throws ballots in the trash. Sorry I can't find them. I believe in mail-in-ballots with proper identification. Let me ask you this, do you believe one person collecting and bringing hundreds/thousands of ballots in the right/good way to do it? Yes or No

The integrity of poll workers was never brought into question on a mainstream scale prior to Trump and Fox News fear mongering.
No, though has there ever been so much one-sided media bias wanting to destroy a man like TRUMP before? Yes or No
@Vegas Dave We both agree both sides of politicians are for the most part not honest or for ALL the people. TRUMP is an outsider who has completely changed the game. Moved the goal posts! Mitch M would love to see him gone too. He's not wanted and more importantly not allowed in their elite country club.
rodney dangerfield playing golf
It boggles the mind. At least we 🇨🇦 have got a functional human being wiith a normal IQ as a prime minister.
FYI MrM I was alluding to Trump's IQ there, not Biden's. Biden is just a walking cadaver. :handshake:
Wasn't thinking that at all my Northern friend! Yes, you have a functioning human being as leader, just that his normal IQ isn't functioning properly!

At least he's not like our politicians degrading each other. Justin is just a happy/gay fella!
happy gay justin trudeu

happy gay justin trudeu running towards love
Is MrM a homophobe?
First you call me .....wasn't it you who started a thread questioning whether I was a racist?:dunno:

FYI Matty .... below is what I was pertaining to .....


a: happily excited : MERRY
in a gay mood
b: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits
a bird's gay spring song

Couldn't find better pictures of Justin to show that he was a happy/gay person.
Are we good now? :handshake:
The integrity of poll workers was never brought into question on a mainstream scale prior to Trump and Fox News fear mongering.
No, though has there ever been so much one-sided media bias wanting to destroy a man like TRUMP before? Yes or No
Oh yeah, there's fear mongering and trash coverage from liberal networks too, 1000%.

My point was/is, the topic of vote integrity (fears of voter fraud, ballot tamporing, etc) are 100% on the right. One could argue that since Trump has weaponized his followers before (see attack on capital), his loyalists are as likely or more likely to infiltrate the polling places and sabotage the vote as dems are.

You specifically mentioned it as a problem of not being able to trust the left, that's why I pointed out that you should be equally concerned in the other direction, if the people's will being carried out in a fair vote is your main concern.
Oh yeah, there's fear mongering and trash coverage from liberal networks too, 1000%.

My point was/is, the topic of vote integrity (fears of voter fraud, ballot tamporing, etc) are 100% on the right. One could argue that since Trump has weaponized his followers before (see attack on capital), his loyalists are as likely or more likely to infiltrate the polling places and sabotage the vote as dems are.

You specifically mentioned it as a problem of not being able to trust the left, that's why I pointed out that you should be equally concerned in the other direction, if the people's will being carried out in a fair vote is your main concern.
Wow the Capital again .... have you seen the videos of cops just letting people walk around the Capitol building? They did nothing and the people weren't aggressive once they walked in it?

How about the the military serving woman who got murdered with a head shot? Did we ever find out who the culprit was? No! Just was constantly told about the unfortunate cop who, what die from cardiac arrest or something and not from the Capitol perps which was reported initially?

How about those non-violent perpetrators of the Capitol who not only got no bail, but weren't they in custody for 1+ years while the cops beaters in NYC recently got out ASAP by you know what side?

And Trump a few days before 1/6 asked liberal if authorities needed any additional support and they said no thanks.

No to answer your question, not NEARLY concerned about the right as I am about the left with improper actions. Why?

Dave, just really think for a minute after what I just stated above ...... does it sound too crazy for me to suggest that the left leadership was so smart in wanting the crazy TRUMP supporters to converge and enter the Capitol and get resulting effect?

Dave, respectfully I'm not even going to waste my time bringing up example after example of the overwhelming more bias decisions made by liberal left authorities and resulting in the liberal left talking heads spewing their BS. I knew starting to talk politics again here was not a wise decision. You think what you want to and I'll do the same.

Almost missed this ..... don't think you answered this with a Y or N from my previous post?
No, though has there ever been so much one-sided media bias wanting to destroy a President like TRUMP before? Yes or No
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