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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Someone's appearance. Whether they spray tan, have tattoos or piercings, whether they have a certain hairstyle or whether they choose to dress a certain way. I realize you're not being prejudice or hateful about skin color vis a vis race, apologies for intimating. But you ARE being prejudiced and hurtful based on body type/image and the way someone chooses to look.

You just denigrated someone for being fat and [insert chosen physical attribute here]. Not nice.

No need to reply with the "he's the biggest most high profile bully of all time [aka he started it] and I make an exception to my general rule not to wish firey death upon anyone for him only because he's the worst" defense. I get it. Its okay to abandon your (internet) sensibilities if someone really deserves it.
Someone's appearance. Whether they spray tan, have tattoos or piercings, whether they have a certain hairstyle or whether they choose to dress a certain way. I realize you're not being prejudice or hateful about skin color vis a vis race, apologies for intimating. But you ARE being prejudiced and hurtful based on body type/image and the way someone chooses to look.

You just denigrated someone for being fat and [insert chosen physical attribute here]. Not nice.

No need to reply with the "he's the biggest most high profile bully of all time [aka he started it] and I make an exception to my general rule not to wish firey death upon anyone for him only because he's the worst" defense. I get it. Its okay to abandon your (internet) sensibilities if someone really deserves it.
Yep, true. You got me.

So topic over, then? I slipped up, so we can just ignore that the President of the United States spent the last few months trying to suppress the vote, undermine the credibility of the democratic process, outright lie about wide-scale voter fraud when there wasn't any, asked a state governor to "find" him enough votes to steal the state, call for a protest of the electoral votes being counted, give a speech at that protest inciting his people to march to the capitol and fight this result, refuse to send in the national guard, tell these people attacking our capitol that he loves them?

At least he isn't a hypocrite on the interwebz like that fat piece of shit Vegas Dave.

Oh, sorry. Big-boned piece of shit.
If Mike Pence successfully invokes the 25th, does he become #46 for a few days or would he be considered part of #45's administration?
To answer my own question: he would not be considered #46. Dick Cheney was briefly made "acting president" a couple times while Dubya was sedated. The 25th Amendment was designed for such situations.
To answer my own question: he would not be considered #46. Dick Cheney was briefly made "acting president" a couple times while Dubya was sedated. The 25th Amendment was designed for such situations.
I just saw your original post Matty. I’m sorry I didn’t have the time to look up the answer for you.
I lold

Ok so 2 protesters killed by cops in, what, 10 weeks of protesting and 1 protester killed in 8 hours yesterday?

What’s all this bullshit I keep reading about that BLM protesters got treated differently?
They didn’t get treated differently, but you can’t explain that to the left. To this day, the rioting and looting BLM caused has yet to be addressed by the left. The left is trying to minimize what they did months ago by yelling from the rooftops what happened yesterday.

Simply put, the riots From months ago and yesterday’s actions are both disgusting.

Difference is the liberal media will continue to sweep what the left does under the rug.
Prejudiced and hateful speech about body type and skin color is okay as long as its directed against a point of view deemed wrong by someone who is otherwise open to all viewpoints. :greencheck:
Not to trample dave, but this rhetoric has become so exhausting.

“He’s orange, wears a wig, and most definitely has a small penis”.

Case closed.
Yes; a fat, glowing orange problem that actually convinced a bunch of people that there was widespread voter fraud (without a shred of evidence to back it up) and that the election was stolen and that they should raid the capitol to fight it.

It's been a haunting experience to see how many people bought the snake oil this guy sells.

I mean even you, with all of your critical thinking and distrust for govt etc, somehow took a liking to Trump and believe things that come out of his mouth. This is going to be a very fascinating study into the human mind and society for years to come.
Funny you say that, because I'm astounded by the anti-Trumps and what lengths they will go, how petty and hateful, and not very bright they are.
if twitter(?) is able to censor a President. If the corporate media is in constant disparage and demean mode, it tells me that the President is hardly the government. The power is with the corporate oligarchy and bureaucracy. Trump seems to be throwing spikes in their tires, and they really hate him. Ergo that's why me and others like him.
And this notion that Trump convinces a lot of people to do/believe stupid stuff is an elitist bullshit view. "He hasn't convinced me, but that's because I'm a smart guy, guided by popular culture and the latest trends. Those backward none woke rednecks, they are so much dumber, easily conned by Trump."
Ok so 2 protesters killed by cops in, what, 10 weeks of protesting and 1 protester killed in 8 hours yesterday?

What’s all this bullshit I keep reading about that BLM protesters got treated differently?
So death is the only measure, huh? If this one woman hadn't have tried to forcibly enter our nation's capitol through a window that the mob she was a part of broke and been the only one shot at (and regrettably, killed), what would your argument be then?

"What's all this bullshit you keep reading?" During BLM rallies there were dozens of heavily armed guards standing on the steps of the capitol ready to neutralize a threat. Go look it up. But on a day there is a PLANNED rally at DC to protest the vote and tons of people online posting plans of this attack, there's just a handful of underarmed cops?

I feel terrible this young woman died. But I would assume you are fine with placing the blame on her, right? I mean you were fine blaming George Floyd for not complying with officers in the middle of a panic attack while being arrested for a counterfeit $20 bill or whatever it was. Surely this woman LITERALLY TERRORIZING OUR NATION'S CAPITOL TO IMPEDE A LAWFUL VOTE and ignoring all the police her and her mob stomped over gets the blame too, right? Just making sure while we are making cross-tragedy comparisons.