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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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You can make jokes about Trump all you want, but this stuff in my eyes is very telling of the nature of the political system we live in. When the piece of shit corporate media has the power to censor the President elected by the public, censor official representative of that President, they are basically admitting that the election soap opera we have every four years, is just that. A farce.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa – I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue to show you this,” Cavuto said from the studio.
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You can make jokes about Trump all you want, but this stuff in my eyes is very telling of the nature of the political system we live in. When the piece of shit corporate media has the power to censor the President elected by the public, censor official representative of that President, they are basically admitting that the election soap opera we have every four years, is just that. A farce.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa – I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue to show you this,” Cavuto said from the studio.

News anchor does something responsible

Reno sees monsters and evil doers
You can tell things have gotten too weird down here when we're arguing that not amplifying the president's words is bowing to authority.
Man, spot on.

Mr. DON'T TRUST THE ESTABLISHMENT QUESTION EVERYTHING is upset that the media is calling bullshit on the most openly bold face lying president we've seen in decades.

Reno... Trump is a snake oil salesman. There is zero evidence of widespread systematic voter fraud. He made it up before the election. This isn't some major conspiracy to oust him.
You can tell things have gotten too weird down here when we're arguing that not amplifying the president's words is bowing to authority.
is that what you get out of it?
So the notion that private corporations can control the narrative, even to the extent of censoring a President is ok with you.

Btw, not just this instance. (the tweeter youtube facebook attempts to block messages not just from Trump, but others connected to the administration they decide doesn't suit the agenda of their owners)
I don't think something like that exists in any country.

And you're obviously connecting two things that aren't meant to be. The tools bowing to authority aren't the msm lackeys, they are paid for.

It's the idiot public who instead of thinking about what the censoring tactics say about our society, will simply attempt to belittle and dismiss one for bringing it up.
I don’t believe their has been voter fraud.

I do believe their is a major media bias against the right though.

I also find it funny that the left is telling the right to stop complaining, but were more than happy to whine for 4 years.

All of this emphasizes how comical and hypocritical the average US citizen is about politics.
is that what you get out of it?
So the notion that private corporations can control the narrative, even to the extent of censoring a President is ok with you.

if only the White house had other means of communication.

Let's be fair. Twitter was YUGE for Obama, George W, and Bill Clinton

and don't get me started on how Reagan used it to win the cold war essentially
Point being what? Whatever eminent platforms for expression that exist are the ones that matter.
Is it ok to have the whatever war mongers/ Russiagaters/ Corona fear pushers, constantly presented in the public eye, while denying access to alternate view points? It's a deliberate systematic move to shape public opinion. The media owners are obviously aware of this, and it's why they own media. Nothing new there.

But the idea that they would be so blatant as to censor a President, who if nothing else, has the right to be heard by the people, is a new low.
I don't remember anything like it. I'm amazed that people would think that's ok.
Now a private corporate citizen is required to air the statements of the government or else they're corrupt?!?! What you're describing is authoritarian control of the media - how very soviet of you.

Should the TV manufacturers install a function so that when government is addressing the public all tvs automatically turn on and tune to the address as well?
I didn't say who should be "required" to do anything. Aren't you tricky?
But at the very least the people should be aware what they are being fed is that "private corporate citizens" agenda. And that it is used to shape our society, from starting wars, to keeping people under lockdowns, to throwing people in jails etc.