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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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I'm hearing there was a sudden jump of 138k votes counted to Biden in the early morning, with none to other candidates. Similar in Wisconsin.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised they pulling something. In light of the way they behaved they last four years, it's even to be expected.
Come on, Reno. A simple fact check confirms this is bullshit.

A truth-seeker like you should do more seeking out the truth.

It's really THAT hard to believe that Biden might win? I love that Trump is actively lying through his teeth trying to make the legal voting process come off as illegitimate so that he can take a fraudulent frivolous case to court to try to steal the election and you are ignoring that to focus on "them" "pulling something". You don't mind what Trump is trying to pull?
I really don't care who wins - I have faith that the system will work. The real joy is in watching @reno cool act like something dastardly is happening and @Vegas Dave continue to act like he's open, accepting of divergent views, fair and balanced.
Glad I can amuse you.

I'm definitely not open and accepting of all views. Those based on lies, nonsense, or hate are out for me.

Fortunately, the GL regulars aren't a hateful group, think everyone here are good folks that just have different world views. I'm not exactly sure how occasionally calling ya'll out on your bullshit or arguing my opinion in a thread makes me close-minded to divergent views, but so it goes I guess.
I'm hearing there was a sudden jump of 138k votes counted to Biden in the early morning, with none to other candidates. Similar in Wisconsin.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised they pulling something. In light of the way they behaved they last four years, it's even to be expected.
Many Democrats heeded the advice of scientists and doctors and observed physical distancing guidelines and chose to drop off or mail in their ballots.

Mail in/absentee ballots are counted LAST and Trump encouraged/ordered Trumptards to vote in person

This was well known and reported on all the major networks. They literally reported that Trump would likely have leads early in the count but that would change once they started counting the absentee ballots.

Disappointed that you would form an opinion on a headline and not consider all the info before commenting like this pal.

People looking at the early numbers and deciding the outcome based on that should try betting on horses to gain some perspective.
Many times the horse in front early is nowhere to be found when the winner crosses the finish line.

Perhaps another analogy would be going 10-0 on your first 10 MLB wagers and declaring the season a victory. Look at the forest and don't focus on a single tree.

It ain't over til its over.
All I said was that I heard claims there was strange jump.
And yes the way the anti Trump douche bag part of the establishment has acted over the last 4 years I fully expect them to do anything and everything. Doesn't mean I'm convinced they counted fake ballots or whatever. Interesting how that got your all panties in a bunch.
I'm guessing the odds didn't change wildly throughout the night because everything went according to expectation that was ” widely reported in the media before the election " :rolleyes:
And thank for explaining to me how leads work, I'll make sure and remember that when I start my gambling career . :plommer: