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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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last couple of things from Trump I see are not good. He's not as antagonistic sounding. Pandering to the Israel crowd. Apologetic for his lack of warmongering, says he'll listen to the generals. Healthcare, he basically got nothing except "repealing Obamacare", whatever that means.

A lot of what he said before had some good seeds in it. But it depends how you take it, and where you go with it.

I guess it's not surprising. Candidates always sound more radical in the early stages. Once they get closer to the Presidency they must be taught, or advised, or threatened to fall in line.:cop:

Well, it might be because he's never actually run on anything of substance. It's all bullshit rhetoric.
i don't like any of the candidates. I pretend to like Hillary, but she's a puppet. And Bernie is awesome, but he's too extreme for me. Trump is a nightmare. Cruz seems like a really nice dude, like he'd be a nice neighbor. But I don't believe in the republican party as it is today (extremism). Moderates such as myself have no one.
Well, it might be because he's never actually run on anything of substance. It's all bullshit rhetoric.

perhaps, making the pc media crowd scramble a bit is worth something. It's not easy to break through the matrix, I figure he was creating a little static. But yeah, at this point I don't really believe he'd do much anything good for the country ..or anybody else if he gets elected. Still leaning Trump over Hillary. I can't think of anyone worse than Hillary.
Bernie is awesome, but he's too extreme for me.
American media/narrative has backed itself into a corner. This is a perfect example of the kind of thinking people will have to have to keep believing the lies.
It's like Al Aqaeda is the most evil thing ever who blew up our towers, but now we support them in Syria against evil dictator. Too many lies against themselves cannot stand
Actually, I watch and read various non popular news sources. I've watched every debate. I'm pretty well educated on all of the candidates platforms. And as a moderate, I can make the educated decision that for my personal view points Bernie is too liberal for me. That being said, if he gets the nomination, I will likely vote for him over Cruz and Trump.
Everyone associated with politics seems so scared of Trump possibly winning that he is getting bad mouthed constantly! Don't want someone not with the "good old boy" network in there! Both parties just constantly fight with no results so let's give an outsider a chance!

So many people feel this way just by seeing how far he has gotten already! He can't do it himself anyway, just needs the right group he can delegate authority to in getting the job done! If he fuks up, he fuks up! Probably won't get any help from Congress too so 4 years from now they can get another "good old boy" POS in charge!
Well, it might be because he's never actually run on anything of substance. It's all bullshit rhetoric.

Trump is a genius. He found a way to get a GOP voting coalition cheaply without playing to the evangelicals. He's already shifting his stances. If he wins the GOP nomination, he'll shape-shift a lot more looking for a coalition of voters that includes more than angry uneducated white men.

His ideas are terrifying to intelligent people, but he has no intention of doing any of this crazy shit. It's just the Trump equivalent of bible-clinging to a different segment that no one embraced. Of course, if he becomes president, no one has any clue what he'll really do.
Well, it might be because he's never actually run on anything of substance. It's all bullshit rhetoric.

Trump is a genius. He found a way to get a GOP voting coalition cheaply without playing to the evangelicals. He's already shifting his stances. If he wins the GOP nomination, he'll shape-shift a lot more looking for a coalition of voters that includes more than angry uneducated white men.

His ideas are terrifying to intelligent people, but he has no intention of doing any of this crazy shit. It's just the Trump equivalent of bible-clinging to a different segment that no one embraced. Of course, if he becomes president, no one has any clue what he'll really do.
Trump is a genius. He found a way to get a GOP voting coalition cheaply without playing to the evangelicals. He's already shifting his stances. If he wins the GOP nomination, he'll shape-shift a lot more looking for a coalition of voters that includes more than angry uneducated white men.

His ideas are terrifying to intelligent people, but he has no intention of doing any of this crazy shit. It's just the Trump equivalent of bible-clinging to a different segment that no one embraced. Of course, if he becomes president, no one has any clue what he'll really do.

that's kinda my impression too.
We should try to figure out wtf these guys are really trying to do, what they're capable of achieving, and what the likely outcome will be (granted we have very few clues). But we already know that there's a dubious at best correlation, between what they say they wanna do versus what might actually go down.
We already know that Clinton is a proven asset of the military/prison/banker interests, so she's easier to predict.
I am seeing something very positive from this campaign. Many prominant Republicans are saying they will vote Democrat (if it's Hilary) if Trump gets the Republican nomination.

Amazing and wonderful. Republicans are so famous for doing anything necessary to win elections - with no particular regard for what is good for the country or the world. Democrats say zig - we say zag. No thoughtful consideration about the value of zig ---> just zag.

If the other side wins the election, so many people hope they fall on their face and then they celebrate any failures - when the correct attitude of any non-child is: well I hope they do really well for the country anyway, and I will help any way I can.


Totally foreign concept to many Americans.

But anyway, it's nice to see these little slivers of enlightenment out there. Trump has no chance of winning the big one in any event, but still, maybe something good comes out of his ridiculous presence.
Why not? Clintons push through all the policies the Republicans could dream of, while pacifying the progressives(?) by talking pretty. The more enlightened imo Dems will vote anyone over Hillary. Probably just wont vote.

Once again while starting out interesting the campaigns are falling into the same old boring pattern. Even Sanders is sounding like a broken record. Perhaps it's the media that's setting it up that way :idea: The picture that's presented is more important than any reality.

What we need is one more of those Obama Romney type debates, where they thank each other for being there and make sure they don't say anything that rocks the boat. :handshake: