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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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"Lesbian porn is as boring as it gets. If a vagina doesnt have a dick in it then dont even wake me up. Thirteen year olds who are just finding out that you dont have to be 18 to click Im 18? buttons like lesbian porn because they think seeing a dick makes you gay. Real men know that real porns got a dick in it. A good-sized dick too, this is a fantasy after all. Being both adequately sized and able to please a woman is an equal part of the POV experience."

I lol'd
He went on 60 Minutes and blathered for a whole segment about stuff he plans to do. Most of it, he would never have any power to do. Not part of the president's powers. Some of it was illegal.

Protectionist rhetoric. I believe he was planning to disband China. It was completely ridiculous.

Made no difference to his base. They just think it's a football game and the idea is to win on Sunday and it makes no difference to anything else.

Dopey people are dopey people - and America has an incredibly high percentage of them.

So there's some stuff out there about Trump's health care plan. ..uh it's not good. Guy needs to stop putting forward anything that may be construed as serious or detailed. He will bury himself.

So, do you support him because you think he's going to make things incredibly worse for everyone? If so, I understand. Honestly, if Bernie loses to Hillary, which looks like a distinct possibility at the moment, I may vote for Trump just to watch it all implode.

But I certainly wouldn't vote for him because I think he would be doing good for the country.
Trump's VP will be Latino. He needs to pick s foreman for the 2,000 mile wall he planes to build. Wall is going to be expensive. 20 feet deep, 20 feet tall and 2 feet wide to prevent tunnels and penetration. If I was you I would buy cement and rebar stock right now and watch it skyrocket.
So, do you support him because you think he's going to make things incredibly worse for everyone? If so, I understand. Honestly, if Bernie loses to Hillary, which looks like a distinct possibility at the moment, I may vote for Trump just to watch it all implode.

But I certainly wouldn't vote for him because I think he would be doing good for the country.

I dunno any more. I guess on one hand I understand that these guys aren't gonna do much of anything besides shake hands with some world leaders and give lip service. That's their job. They do have some relevance to foreign policy decisions though, and Clinton is a pompous, ignorant warmonger. I think she will be easily manipulated by the hawkish elements. Trump might tell those same people to fok off. Avoiding WWIII is the most important good thing for the country.

But hey, it's hard to tell what's really going on. Sure Sander's rhetoric is far superior, and he has a long record of speaking for the right things. But he's not gonna win. These guys (including Trump)might just all be there to make a nice soap opera for the public and assure the presidency for Clinton; a good friend of global corporatism and all the fine people who are trying to fuck the world and everyone in it.
I don't get why people care who our next president is going to be. Whomever wins isn't going to change anything in office. We will have a 4 year gridlock. The only winners will be the late night talk show hosts.

Maybe the only good thing that could happen is if Trump wins, Caucasian backlash over PC bullshit will explode. African American nonsense groups that spew anti-white rhetoric will finally be addressed.

An actual race war (or skirmish) will develop.

It's time the US accepts that we have racist cracker Caucasians and racist illogical African Americans. All the PC grandstanding and acceptance of mediocrity has driven people like Trump into power.
Ha ha. I was thinking along similar lines yesterday.
What trump should do is go into poor communities and start building some shit that would help. He's got money, and he would get minorities on his side. I don't see why they should hate him more than Clinton, who basically buried welfare.. ..or Obama who changed nothing.