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Where should Cali move?

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To where should Cali move?

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Cant go wrong with Seattle or Vancouver....

fukkin homer!

I am a fan of Vancouver - the weather is unique.

I remember days in June/July where the overhead heaters were on at the racetrack on Hastings E because it was chilly, and also days in February where I wore a light spring jacket and felt warm.

We get 4 seasons in Toronto, and plenty of days in the winter that are well above normal (like 10 -12 C).
Chicago winter isn't that bad. If you live in the suburbs and own a house, clearing off the driveway and sidewalk every couple of days is kind of annoying, though.

I've spent winters in different parts of the USA/Canada. When I spent winter in Florida I thought it was great that I wasn't in the cold weather up north and then when I was in the cold weather in winter I didn't find it unpleasant at all.

Before I spent a winter in Saskatchewan I thought it was going to be unbearable, but it wasn't, it was nice. Sometimes our preconceived ideas get in the way of reality. If you're dressed properly the cold weather can be fun. If you have no other choice you make the best of it.

I find the novelty of being in a warm climate in winter wears off fast.
San Diego is one of my favorite cities in the nation.

Great weather. Nice people. Beaches. Party crowd in PB. Sophisticated crowd in Gaslamp. Pretty much all types of topography a short distance away. Not to mention the proximity to LA, Vegas, and Tijuana.
Exactly is right.

I don't know about the other places being discussed but as far as cold in Toronto? There are maybe a handful of days every year where it gets to the point where it is worth mentioning.

Most days - like today - you dress sensibly and you should be able to walk around indefinitely and not even have temperature cross your mind.

Unless you're just tragically wimpy in life.

Or unless you enjoy riding motorcycles, grilling out, pool parties, etc. more than three months out of the year.
San Diego is one of my favorite cities in the nation.

I read an article that SD and Tijuana are becoming the new HK/Shenzhen where HK has the money and Shenzhen the manufacturing base. Manufacturing is moving to Tijuana while all the companies are operating out of San Diego. Wages in China have risen a lot the last couple of years and the Americans are now preferring this new combo, winning speed and delivery. Tons of companies are racing to set up in TJ.
Cant go wrong with Seattle or Vancouver....

except that Seattle has one of the highest suicide rates attributed to lack of sun because of the rain.

Depends where u live in SF. LA and SD are expensive too, in the good areas.

People in LA are miserable.

SD might stand a fighting chance to SF. If you're into music though SD sucks for shows everyone goes to SF or LA. SD would be fun to do for a while. I'd like to be a beach bum and stare at bums on the sand.

I voted for San Fransisco.
San Francisco is the most beautiful metro city second to none in the US. And the people are very friendly.

Listen to this fok
Doesn't nearly rain as much as people say but it is a lot more mild which I love.

It is expensive but cant tell you how fortunate I am to live here vs anywhere else.

Second vote would go to San Fran. Basically exact same as Vancouver just add a few more sports teams and a bit better weather.