Steve, how does it feel to be some cunts puppet?
Do you know how I know all the things I do about Cami?
Do you know how I know all the things I do about you?
Do I know who told you things about me in confidence?
I do. It was/is IAG.
IAG is the one that told me that Cami never was in to you.
IAG also told me Cami loves black cocks and was only with you because she had nowhere else to go.
You gave her a place to stay and an income and in turn she offered you sex.
You know what that makes her? Do you know what it makes you?
Steve Cami is a mudshark - loves black men. Her children are half black/white right?
That turned you off. Understandably. No white guy wants to be with a single mother saddled with bastard half breed kids that aren't theirs.
IAG also told me about your suicide attempt. Yeah Steve you were hospitalized for a suicide attempt and not due to "health reasons" as you like to refer to them. Steve you are such a miserable crazy cunt you wanted to end your life. If I were you I'd do the same thing. You were embarrassed about trying to end your life and so you made up a story about your liver or some other bullshit and said that was the reason for your hospital stay.
How did she know?
She's friends with Cami. Cami tells her everything. IAG tells others and here we are.
So IAG told you some things about me and asked you to keep quiet. She knew you couldn't keep quiet and that you'd continue as a loose canon and blab. You went out of your way to try and spread rumours online. just as IAG intended.
Steve, you might want to consider succeeding the next time you want to kill yourself, you are manipulated easily by women.
First Cami used and manipulated you, now IAG.
Steve you're just a puppet.